Jesus teaches the unity of Allah; the oneness of God. In the 12th - TopicsExpress


Jesus teaches the unity of Allah; the oneness of God. In the 12th chapter of Mark, it was reported that a man came to Jesus and asked him: “which is the first of ll commandments”? and Jesus answered: “The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord.” Yet, most christians says Jesus is God. It’s an amazing situation. Jesus says: The Lord our God is one Lord; Christians says: no, it is the trinity in the god-head. Contradicting the messege of Jesus. Nowhere from the lips of Jesus, did he utter trinity! And that is the core problem of the churches: they preach what Jesus never preached. Infact, Christianity went on deifying Jesus. They say Jesus walked down the Palestine as a divine being. The question here is, did he says he is God? Did he claim to be God? Did he says am god worship me? There is not in any version of the bible where explicitly Jesus says listen everybody: I am god! He never make such claims. Infact, he rebukes such claims. In Mark, 10 and Luke 18, when a certain ruler asked him, what to do to inherit the eternal life, Jesus says to him: “Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God. He didn’t even want to be called good much less god. But did the christians follow this insruction? Not at all! Infact, they called him god. I wonder if jesus was present today how he is gonna react to this blasphemy. Propably too tense.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:11:35 +0000

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