Jesus, the man, had become one with the Holy Vibration. His body - TopicsExpress


Jesus, the man, had become one with the Holy Vibration. His body was one with all Creation, in which His little body moved. His consciousness was Christ-Consciousness, but until the body goes beyond the Christ state and becomes one with the Father, and until the complete union of body, Holy Ghost, Christ Consciousness, and God Consciousness are perceived as one Spirit, mortal tests born of Past Delusion remain. Although Jesus was one with the Holy Ghost, still His old limited human consciousness and its earthly desires, through the law of habit, tried to attract His expanded consciousness to earthly consciousness. This is the psychological explanation of the origin of the tempting, by the firmly established bad mortal habits, of the new Divine habit, in order to keep Him from contacting the Great Comforter. All satisfaction comes from Holy Vibration, for it is the sum total of all earthly things looked for. Sense pleasure is evil because it limits the soul, blinds it, and keeps it from seeking the unlimited happiness in the universal sensorium of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit alone is perfect. Everything else in Creation is imperfect. Creation started with the law of duality, with the law of division. The Spirit was perfect. Nothing else was necessary for His perfection; hence, Creation was unnecessary for His evolution. Then why did Spirit create at all? The Only answer to that question is that He wanted to consciously enjoy Himself. The Spirit thought: “I am the very nectar of Bliss, but there is no one to enjoy me, so I will create a Cosmic play and divide Myself into many, then Myself as many selves gradually with many mouths of minds may taste the nectar in my Infinite Self.” This Cosmic play came out of the Spirit’s desireless desire; that is, this desire for Cosmic play was unnecessary to complete the Spirit’s Being, for He was already perfect, but this Cosmic desire itself was imperfect, for it was an urge, a desire to do something. Just as poison does not affect the serpent, so this Cosmic delusive desire existing in Spirit does not affect Him. This Cosmic desire of Spirit was an unnecessary desire, just as sometimes a father may play with his child through a desireless desire which is unnecessary for the father’s development. It was imperfect because it wanted to accomplish something when that accomplishment was not necessary for the completion of the all-perfect Spirit. This imperfect desire was the original thought vibration which divided the Spirit into many through the law of duality. Besides, the Spirit at first found that He alone, being the only substance existent, could not very well divide Himself into two distinct essentially different objects of Spirit and matter, so the Spirit created the differentiation between Spirit and matter in thought only, just as a piece of stone and a thought of a piece of stone in a dream have no essential difference except in the difference existing in frozen human imagination. Thus the Spirit had to practice a Cosmic deception, a universal mental magic, to perform before the duality of matter and mind and the dualities of finite objects. This delusive Cosmic differentiation in thought is responsible for all imperfections in Creation; then again, according to the law of cause and effect, the small selves which came out of Spirit were specially gifted with the power of free choice and independent action even as Spirit possessed. This Cosmic delusive will thus inherited the power and free choice of Spirit to act independently of His perfect will. As the one sheet of water of the calm sea is chopped into many miniature pieces of water called waves, by the action of a third agent, the wind storm, so the conscious Cosmic, delusive, desireless desire of Spirit manifested itself as the independent conscious Magical measurer, or the Maya* (Cosmic measurer of delusion) of the Hindu Scriptures, and was solely entrusted with the independent power of superficially dividing the Spirit into the perception of perfect finite objects materialized as icebergs of planets and wavelets of stars, floating on the vast sea of Infinity. This Cosmic delusive Magical Measurer has ever since manifested Itself as the Holy ghost, the Cosmic sacred vibration, or Nature (Sanskrit Prakriti). The plan of Spirit was that this subjective, conscious, Cosmic, delusive force should be endowed with independence in order to cooperate with objectified, conscious, Cosmic vibration in objectified, conscious, Cosmic energy, and with only reflected Christ Intelligence present in it, to create perfect finite objects. Perfect gems in mines, perfect flowers, perfect animals, and human stars in perfect planets were thus created. These perfect objects, after displaying a flawless dream of perfect form, health, habits, and modes of existence on the stage of time, without disease or painful premature death, or cruel accidents, were to dissolve back into Spirit, just as numerous waves after a separate happy existence without the necessity of being killed or shattered by accidents dissolve back into their one self, the sea, at the end of the storm. That is why in the Christian Bible we find the perfect Adam and Eve communing with God, so easily and simply, under the tree and near the altar. They were only cast away from the paradise of Cosmic Consciousness when they were tempted by the devil of Cosmic ignorance.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:10:38 +0000

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