Jesus told us that what Daniel the prophet wrote of would happen - TopicsExpress


Jesus told us that what Daniel the prophet wrote of would happen again. Daniel was so exact and precise in prophesying the 400 missing years of Bible history ahead of time that Jews have been accused by the secular world of writing it after the fact (long after Daniels death). After the fact written prophecy was something that did occur in the false pagan world, but could never be any part of the Tanahk. It would have been a horrible event to even consider inclusion to the rabbis of any generation. Even with the severe corruption of priests during Herods day inclusion of false writings in the Tanahk would simply never occur. They wouldnt dare. God is real and He will always right any wrongs. Daniel prophesied about Alexander the Greats sweeping conquests and what Antiochus Epiphanies IV was going to do in desecrating the Temple in Israel. The second Temple wasnt even built yet and not even in the plans of the displaced Israelites when Daniel had been given visions. It was Jesus who let us know this evil that would occur was only a shadow of very evil things yet to come in the very last of the last days(Mk 13.14; Mt.24.15). As I considered what Daniel wrote I can see something of what is to come myself. We know from prophecy that the antichrist is going to use false flattery and seductive words to deceive so very many with a false peace plan and not through the use of any force. Hes going to be such a great orator that I can almost see in my minds eye the women fainting at hearing the soon coming antichrists words very much like I saw on our old black and white television, the women who would faint at hearing another historical antichrists words. Their faces filled with a demonic ecstacy. We think of demons at giving only thoughts of pain and pure evil but evil fakes the things of God and their faces were filled with pure joy even though the mind of Hitler and the words he expressed were purest evil. We know the antichrist will destroy wonderously with peace. This is not to say wonderful but so shocking that people will wonder at the horrible destruction in the name of peace in a stunned awe.I have heard speculation by Bible commentators as to what triggers the antichrist into suddenly turning against the Jews about halfway through the tribulation. I dont believe it will be any Jew who is going to shoot him in the head when they finally realize hes not the Messiach seating himself in the Holy place. But he will hunt down every single Jew he can find to kill them with a vengeance for another reason. Jesus said history was going to repeat itself. We know Egypt isnt going to go along with the antichrist and the antichrist is going to go to Egypt to totally conquer them. We also know the antichrist will recover from a mortal head wound (Rev 13.1-3; Rev 17). I suspect history will repeat itself and just as Antiochus Epiphanies IV was rumored to have been killed in Egypt the antichrist will be mortally wounded doing battle in Egypt. We know from tribulations timeline this battle against Egypt will occur just about the time the antichrist seats himself in the Holy Place and Christs warning that every Jews should flee the city.The devil has always tried to mimick the true God of Creation and the true Son did die and was resurrected (Rev5.6). We know Antiochus Epiphanies IV was in Egypt when rumor had it that he had been killed there. All the Jews were celebrating joyously when Antiochus Epiphanies IV caught wind of the event and that was when he started going after Jews hell bent upon their destruction. I am pretty sure we can piece together that when the antichrist goes to fight in Egypt who doesnt go along with his evil plans that this is when he will suffer and recover from his mortal head wound. Zechariah(11.17) says of the antichrist that he will be blind in his right eye and have a withered arm. This is something we could expect to occur after a severe head injury. The timing is appropriate in the timeline of other tribulation events that we do know the order of occurrence. As soon as the antichrist hears of Israels celebrations over his possible demise, that is when he goes to Jerusalem, kills the two witnesses, and seats himself in the holy place in the Temple and then goes after every Jew with blood lust in his eyes. Daniel gives the formula for certain mid tribulation events. Thirty days before the exact mid point of the tribulation, the speaking apparition of the antichrist will appear over the Temple Mount. By that time the antichrist will have the full power of the devil. He will kill the two witnesses who stand by the wall (Kotel) proclaiming who Messiach really is. The two witnesses finish their prophetic ministry exactly half way through the tribulation and are resurrected by God 3 days later(on Passover). The antichrist will feel so big about himself for surviving a mortal wound and the killing of the two witnesses that no one else could kill, that he sits in the Holy Place proclaiming himself to be worshiped over all that men worship. Jesus warns that as soon as any Jews even hears of this speaking apparition occurring in the Holy Place thirty (30) days ahead of time that they need to flee out of Jerusalem. Run! Dont walk, and dont stop for anything, which includes your feeble elders and precious sleeping babies in another room. Forget your coats. May our Most High God of mercy and compassion send guardian angels to help and protect all who flee from the wrath of the armalis [antichrist to Christians but hes called the armalis to Jews].
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:38:12 +0000

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