Jesus wants His church to rule the earth. This is not - TopicsExpress


Jesus wants His church to rule the earth. This is not anti-government. This is anti-sin and anti-devil and anti-hell. God wants His will done in the earth. Jesus prayed this way. He said: Our Father who art in heaven, hollowed be thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven... The will of God for the earth is that the earth might be dominated by Righteousness. The first believers needed power. The conditions on earth were bad then and they needed Pentecost Power. Conditions are much worse today and we need Pentecost Power even more. Pentecost is the energizing force of the New Testament Church. Pentecost is the energizing force of the Born Again Believer. If you are Born Again and have not received a Pentecostal Energizing experience, you will be just as lame and powerless and the disciples were before the Holy Ghost came in the Book of Acts. This is basically what is wrong with the Church today. We have been to the Cross but we have not been to the Upper Room. We have received Salvation but we have not received a Divine Empowering. We have tasted Forgiveness but we have not been Baptized in Fire. Pardon my French
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 15:31:01 +0000

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