Jew puppet Phil Donahue invited two gas chamber deniers on the - TopicsExpress


Jew puppet Phil Donahue invited two gas chamber deniers on the show – Bradley Smith and David Cole, the latter being Jewish documentary maker who proved beyond any doubt that no homicidal gas chambers used for alleged extermination of humans existed in German labor camps, and since his proof was so solid there was no way to refute it, the Jewish Defence League responded by publically threatening him with assassination. Later that year, David Cole went into hiding and has remained in hiding since. But because he was given a total of maybe two minutes out of an hour long show to present his case, during which the Jew puppet Phil Donahue kept interrupting him with mockery and accusations which implied that he was a neo Nazi, David Cole picked up and left before the show was over. During the reminder of the show, Dr. Michael Shermer, adjunct professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles and editor/publisher of Skeptic magazine joined Bradley Smith and clarified that the Jew Soap myth was not a lie, but rather a mistake. Cause you know – when alleged survivors claim over and over for 40 years that Nazis turned Jews into bars of soap, they’re not lying, they just made a mistake. Then after professor Shermer joined in on the debate and clarified that the Jew Soap myth was not a lie but a mistake, a Holocaust survivor in the audience by the name of Judith Berg rudely pissed into everyone’s face with her story that the Germans did manufacture both lamp shades and bars of soap from the bodies of murdered Jews. Dr. Shermer who had just stated the academic findings that the Jew Soap tale was not true clearly didn’t know how to handle the awkward situation, realizing darn well that the alleged Holocaust survivor in the audience was lying but because she presented her lie with anger, it was anticipated that it’s accepted as told or else. - found on best gore (18+ site not allowed to link on to fb)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 15:47:51 +0000

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