Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix Shares Prime Minister - TopicsExpress


Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix Shares Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus Meaningful Address at the Paris Grand Synagogue Benjamin Netanyahus address at the Paris Grand Synagogue: Today we bow our heads in memory of the victims. As the representatives of a proud nation we stand tall facing evil, Netanyahu said, choosing to speak in Hebrew, as his address was simultaneously translated into French. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad, he said, quoting from Exodus 1:12, because justice and truth are with us. Heres the truth: Radical Islam is an enemy to us all. This enemy has many names - Islamic State, Hamas, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, al-Shabaab, Hezbollah - but theyre all branches of the same poisonous tree, he added. Even though the factions of radical Islam are fighting amongst themselves, they all want to impose a dark tyranny on the world, to take humanity 1,000 years back. They murder anyone who disagrees with them, especially their Muslim brothers, but their greatest hatred is for Western culture that reveres freedom, Netanyahu continued. Despite that, he said, were on our way to victory. I promise you - Israel will continue fighting terrorism. Israel will continue defending itself. And we know that when we are defending ourselves, were defending the entire cultural world. To the Jews of France he said, Im telling you what I say to our Jewish brothers in all countries: You have every right to live in safety and in peace as citizens with equal rights anywhere you choose, including here in France. But Jews today have been blessed with another right, a right that didnt exist for previous generations: The right to join their Jewish brothers in our historic homeland - the land of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu greeted with cheers at Paris Grand Synagogue: Our hearts and prayers continue to be with those who were affected by the terrible attacks in Paris and those facing anti-Semitism across the world.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:33:08 +0000

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