Jewish conspiracy exposed. By Ubaydullah Rabbani. So like I - TopicsExpress


Jewish conspiracy exposed. By Ubaydullah Rabbani. So like I said it was made up terror in france by french-american-jewish secret service as always. This is proof link And this letter Ive got from france today regarding my last article: Salam, do you come to agree with Imrane Hossein who think that roum are orthodox christianity, russians and that muslim have to make an alliance with russia. I personally have never seen more people hating Islam that Europe; not just Islam, Catholics also. In fact, for them religions are obscurantism. They hated jews too but for their material interest and fear from antisemitism, they submit to them. Intelligent people know that what happen in Paris is a false flag attack. A lot of witnesses saw things but tv dont give them the floor. They always talk about secularism but in fact they promote atheism and they begin in primary school. I was astonished to see imams praying for those journalist who were claiming themselves as kafir and who were making joke with sayidina Mohammed, salla allahou alayhi wa salam, with Jesus and mary too. But they were never making joke with Moussa or Abraham because they are prophets recognized by jews. I was astonished too to see the king of jordany and his wife participating to this charade. I dont understand. Alhamdoulillah, Marocco decided to not participate because of cartoons on our prophet. Now some people begin to attack mosques, ours sisters with hijab are insulted and some women want to withdraw their hijab by force in the street, muslims are despised. A lot of french people regret that France has became a jewish settlement like a lot of european countries. Every week, there are in germany march against islam. The majority of countries now are sionist. And who killed most of human beings in history in the world? Always usa and western europe. Their religion is atheism, their book is their bill of rights and thier god is satan.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 10:52:25 +0000

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