Jewish ruled America wanted to do this in Damascus, but Putin - TopicsExpress


Jewish ruled America wanted to do this in Damascus, but Putin stopped them. There is no man so evil as one with power, surrounded by Jews. Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, and other oligarchs running Ukraine are Jews. America, which put them in power, is ruled by Jews. Where Jews go, where they take control by force, ethnic cleansing, otherwise known as genocide, follows as night follows day. It turns out that Ukraines new president, Petro Poroshenko, has been working for the U.S. government since at least 2006 and they knew he was corrupt.#Ukraine scgnews/leaked-documents-ukraines-new-president-works-for-the-us-state-department voiceofrussia/2014_06_26/Ukraines-standoff-is-war-of-militias-Russia-tries-to-stop-expert-4587/ “Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, the governor of the Dnepropetrovk region, set up his own militia. Kolomoyskyi was born in a Jewish family of engineers. President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. In 2010 he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities. Together with fellow Ukrainian oligarch Vadim Rabinovich, he founded the European Jewish Union. “after the Maidan coup there were a lot of changes. Police and the army were purged. It was a real revolution like the revolution of 1917 in Russia.” … True, if you see Jew led takeovers of nations with purges of army and police, and lots of civilian casualties as “true” revolutions. This is how they behaved in the last hundred years whenever they forced the opportunity, and there were and are always lots of purges and civilian casualties. realjewnews/?p=941 What if Jews ruled America .... of course they do. Western civilization evolved into ever increasing reason, rationality, civility, decency, and scientific achievement. What you are not being told in this article is that all this changed, starting when the Jews invited themselves into Spain, and then invited their fellow Semitic Muslim hordes to follow them and take over for the following eight hundred years. What you are not being told is that while the descendants of the ancient Spanish were being beheaded all around, the Jews installed themselves as advisors surrounding the Muslim ruler, and profited handsomely all the while, owning a third of Barcelona. This is why they were kicked out of Spain and the rest of Europe. What you are not being told is that the Jews surround and own Obama, and earlier governments, particularly Roosevelt. What you are not being told is that if there were no Jews American history would have been much more reasoned, rational, civil and beneficial to all. Jewry knows only Jewrys greed, and doesnt care less about any other interests, lives , or truths. Unable to produce the fruits of labour they crave, unwilling to do any labour at all, lacking any experience in productivity, due to millennia of successfully skimming the fruits of others labour, by any means at all, they do today what has always worked for them. They used Semitic Muslims to terrorise Spain for a glorious eight hundred years. Today they use their fellow Semitic Muslims in Europe, USA, the middle East to achieve a renewal of the Islamic Caliphate which served them so well. What you are not being told is that every single war in the West has been driven by the Jews imbedded in America and Britain to serve the establishment of Jewish rule of the West, which has been fully accomplished for some years. rt/op-edge/168832-waging-war-against-russia/ The general hostility toward Russia that has come to dominate (Jewrys) ruling class circles in the West. It doesnt help pretending that you are not dealing with Jewry, because if you do, you expect reason to prevail. Jewry knows only Jewrys interests, and doesnt care less about any other interests. It would seem then that the political will to further exacerbate the conflict is at odds with good business sense – precisely what many in Russia and around the world have been saying since the chaos in Ukraine began. Jewry doesnt understand good business sense, good sense, or any sense at all. Unable to produce the fruits of labour they crave, unwilling to do any labour at all, lacking any experience in productivity, due to millennia of successfully skimming the fruits of others labour, by any means at all, they do today what has always worked for them. Nationalism is a barrier to the theft of gas, minerals, gold, savings, fruit of labour, and other resources. So they fight nationalism world wide, pocketing gold, gas and all other resources wherever they succeed. Pretending it is not Jewry, weakens you, because you expect decency, reason, an exchange of the fruits of your labours with others. Since they crawled out of the desert into Spain, and invited the Semitic Muslim hordes to follow, they have robbed and plundered civilized nations, hiding behind one proxy after another. Brief periods of respite have only been attained by recognizing them for who and what they are, and acting accordingly.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:03:33 +0000

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