Jeya Jeya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara. My mother 1st part.I am - TopicsExpress


Jeya Jeya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara. My mother 1st part.I am continuing about the siddhis she achieved during the year 1972. After Navarathri Pujas in her dreams she realized that she has achieved the power of Siddhi. Next morning she went to Mahaperiyava and told him about the dream. Mahaperiyava looked at her for some time and then told her “yes, you have archived a Siddhi which you can use only for seven times. You cannot use it for any of your family members or for yourself. You should take permission from Rajarajeswari before you use it on any one. You should not accept anything from them” My mother was stunned and tears rolled down from her eyes. Mahaperiyava asked her “why are you crying. You should be happy about the Siddhis” My mother wiped her tears, took Kunguma prasadam and blessings of Mahaperiyava and returned home. In 1973 January one common friend named Sow. Ranganayaki brought a boy aged about 24 and that man’s whole body top to toe was shaking. The friend told her that he is married, working in Reserve bank of India and six months back this shaking started. He consulted many Doctors and nothing improved in his condondition My mother took him to the Pooja roomand made him sit in front of the Pooja Mandap. She then closed her eyes and prayed Rajarajeswari. After few minutes she opened her eyes and told the boy that he should come at 6-00A.m the next day. She made him sit till she finished her Pooja and gave him Vibudhi and asked him to done his forehead with it after bath everyday. First day she made him sit straight by giving him support. The boy came everyday and my mother slowly made him do some exercises and then taught him some yogasanas in the sitting posture first and the in lying down posture. The boy slowly improved and in 3 months he was completely alright. The boy joind back to his duty in Reserve Bank of India. Then on he had a baby child which was named Rajeswari. He frequently visited our house with his family. In 1988 when I met madam Ranganayaki she told me that the boy is fine and worshipping my mother. In 1975 a famous dancer came to her and told my mother that her hearing capacity was decreasing day by day and she will not be able to continue her Bharatha Natyam if she becomes deaf. She had consulted specialists and none could do anything. The same procedure was adopted by my mother and within 45 days she recovered completely. Third time she used the Siddhi on an artist who had mental depression and she attempted suicide and that attempt failed. My mother adopted the same routine for a month and the artist recovered and started to continue her profession. The last time she used was for a women who had been admitted in hospital and the doctors told that saving mother’s or the child’s life is difficult. My wife brought this to my mother’s notice. Next morning my mother finished her puja and told my wife that the woman has had normal delivery just a few minutes back. Eachtime my mother used to meet Mahaperiyava and kept him informed about the happenings. She never used it again. Many approached her inbetween the above mentioned incidents but she did not get the approval of Rajarajeswari. In the next part I will tell you about an unbelievable incident. Jeya Jeya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:38:55 +0000

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