Jihad is the Arabic word for struggle or effort. In the context of - TopicsExpress


Jihad is the Arabic word for struggle or effort. In the context of the Holy Quran, jihad is a struggle or effort to strive in the path of God according to that definition JIHAD is not synonym of fighting. TYPES OF JIHAD 1) Jihad of the Heart ( the struggle for moral reformation and the effort to purify oneself from within, to purify oneself of selfish ) 2) Jihad of the Tongue (the struggle to proclaim Gods word abroad; right speech) 3) Jihad of the Hand (doing good works in accord with the will of God) 4) jihad using wealth in the way of ALLAH. 5)jihad of fighting the enemy who is attacking the islamic state. When jihad as holy war occurs? 1) when the Muslim territory is attacked Muslims must fight back to protect the islamic state. 2) that holy war must be arranged and controlled by the islamic state leader. 3) Is the collective duty of the community with specific categories of who should fight and who should perform other duties 4) Once the fighting does begin, it must be carried out according to strict rules and limits. No killing children, women, no destroying buildings and trees. Etc According to that brief explanation all the verses of quran on jihad are intended for defense. JUST LIKE ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WOLD HAVE MINISTRIES OF DEFENSE AND ARMIES.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:53:25 +0000

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