Jim Carrey, a well known Illuminati member, hosted Saturday Night - TopicsExpress


Jim Carrey, a well known Illuminati member, hosted Saturday Night Live (SNL) tonight. Befittingly, this was the 2014 Halloween episode. Numerous symbols and highlights indeed displayed his Illuminati tie-in, but the largest one was an older and disabled character that he portrayed. Jim Carrey, in character, directly spoke the words I am part of the Illuminati... Oops! Lately, I have been learning of court decisions in favor of Satanism and Satanic teachings within Oklahoma and Florida. Tonight I see this display, as well as the rest of these Halloween characters portrayed by Jim Carrey that each had symbols and metaphors closely tied in with Illuminati, so I see that the world has indeed fully stepped into the transparency phase; has been rapidly throughout 2014. The Illuminati has claimed to possess the technical capability to stage the Rapture; no, not this mind-numbing Second coming of Christ that Christian churches have completely perverted throughout the years, but a Rapture of Satanism. The Illuminati is certainly carrying this through in order to throw extreme panic, confusion, and despair into the hearts of Christians and leave them praying that their their beloved Anti-Christ will soon arise, but this is purely the intention of these damned elitists with their Globalist Agenda to throw the United States into an unwarranted frenzy. Anyway, this link is to the video that provides the greatest clarity for me to confirm the associations that I witnessed tonight on SNL: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=J8AfFv5xp04#t=19
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:18:40 +0000

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