Jim Gerritsen APPLYING THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE TO GLYPHOSATE AND HARD WATER - SRI LANKA BANS MONSANTO HERBICIDE. Its important to understand that if Americans wants to avoid glyphosate in ones diet, we are best off BUYING ORGANIC. Clearly, glyphosate (active ingredient in Monsantos Roundup herbicide) residues will be in Corn Flakes and other processed food made from Roundup Ready GE crops - presently 80% of all GE crops. However, since its patents expired 8-10 years ago, glyphosate is now being WIDELY sprayed by Non-GE (conventional chemical ag) farmers on crops - like wheat, oats, other grains and dry beans - as a late season desiccant. In short, BUY ORGANIC because non-GE is not sufficient to protect your family from glyphosate. The paper did not provide new scientific evidence, but laid out a detailed theory that the use of glyphosate in areas with heavy metals in the drinking water is causing the chronic kidney disease...Glyphosate acts as a carrier or a vector of these heavy metals to the kidney, said Dr. Channa Jayasumana, the study’s principal author...President Mahinda Rajapaksa has ordered the immediate removal of glyphosate from the local market soon after he was told of the contents of the report.”
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:17:53 +0000

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