Jim, why did God not make this easier...? Or is it ..? And we - TopicsExpress


Jim, why did God not make this easier...? Or is it ..? And we complicated the crap outta it. * All the most important things are simple, easy, and uncomplicated. Your true Self is at peace, free, undisturbed, and well. That Self is one with God, and is in no need of change, improvement, enlightenment, or transformation. Does the sunrise ever need your help? Neither does the truth of you and all things. Its a truth that cannot be earned, achieved, or attained. The truth doesnt need your help. Whats real and true is unchanging, and never threatened. There is nothing you can do improve or diminish what is real. You chose to have a human mind and body, and to have a human journey. The point is for you to discover and bring human expression to that Self and truth. This is who Jesus was. When Jesus said, I am the truth, he was speaking to the truth of God and humankind as one. Now its your turn to work this out for yourself. Working this out for yourself is why you are here. How difficult or easy this is for a person depends on many factors; every person and every human journey is different. It might be better for you not to judge the journey with these terms at all. Rather than say it is difficult, tell yourself it is what it is. Almost every aspect of our human evolution has a difficulty to it. A toddler can get aggravated that they seem to be falling every time they try to walk, and banging your head on the table when you do, hurts! But it is what it is. To learn to walk, you fall. The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a volatile process. It is what it is. Sometimes the process sucks in human terms. Heres a few things to consider: 1. You may be too attached to your human mind and body. The reason why everything might seem difficult is because you identity yourself entirely with your humanity. Remember Jesus? He wasnt divine OR human, he was divine AND human. Its the same for you. You may be identifying only or mainly with your humanity, and perhaps forgetting about that Self I described above. Lets say you have a favorite photograph of two people you deeply love - maybe your children or best friends or family members. Lets say you had to cut the picture down the middle in half, and leave someone out of the photo. That would royally mess up your favorite photograph. This happens to us when we over-identify with our human mind and body, we essentially cut someone out, which messes up the whole pic. 2. It might also be helpful to think of this journey as a game. Heres what I mean. Currently the NBA Finals are happening. Sometimes a team finds itself playing from behind. Sometimes a team has an injured player, and has to continue without them. Sometimes the refs make a bad call and it affects the outcome of the game. There are all kinds of scenarios and conditions that impact the game, and some of them can be frustrating, even agonizing. But despite all that, players will put it in perspective by remembering its just a game. Sure, the game matters... a lot! There are some losses that are devastating. But, when you put it in its proper perspective, it isnt quite as monumental as it seemed. Likewise, you have to remember that however the game of life is going, it never threatens, changes, or alters whats true and real. Your peace, freedom, security, well-being and wholeness was a done deal when you were born into this world - end of story! The only thing this is about now is you discovering and expressing this as a human being. Theres no debating that sometimes the game of life is challenging, difficult, frustrating, painful, and even agonizing. This was true for Jesus, and this is true for all of us. Thats why we need each other - to express understanding, compassion, support and love to each other, and to help one another put it all in perspective with the bigger picture of what is real and true. 3. The chaos and disharmony of our lives and the world is a reflection of the chaos and disharmony inside ourselves. The chaos and disharmony is not the result of a God who couldnt do any better. Neither it is the result of Satan and demonic forces. Each of us has both the responsibility and authority to create what our lives, and world is. What we see in the world that isnt working is simply the outcome of what is not working inside ourselves. Once we address the root cause of our own suffering, we are more able to aid the liberation of all things. I hope something in all this is useful. I should at least get a few points for working the NBA Finals into my answer :)
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:54:58 +0000

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