JimSpence AS OBOOBOOCARE CRASHES, THE WORLD LAUGHS AT US!!!! America, wake up! This is what more government gives you. Incompetence, confusion and chaos are the hallmarks of all government programs, yet many of the unwashed masses want more. This is the result of Liberalism/Progressivism. A century of one crisis after another has allowed Progressivism to force its dysfunctional ideology into American’s minds. People are most vulnerable when there is a crisis or chaos. Amplifying that chaos allows the government to control the weak and illiterate, most often Liberals/Progressives. This massive control of people can only be possible if they are conditioned to be subservient. This is most easily attained by keeping the masses uninformed and illiterate. The simplest way to keep them illiterate is to control the education system. Once this is achieved the government can manipulate the Liberals/Progressives by simple politics, promises and lies. Today we see this working perfectly. Combine the significant control government has with a complicit media, that is not concerned with the truth or journalistic integrity but rather assisting the control, and the collapse of our great Republic is inevitable. Today America has become a 50/50 nation. Half of Americans work for a living and the other half vote for a living. The makers, Conservatives, have to work harder to support the takers, Liberals/Progressives as they have become incapable of caring for themselves. This is the shame of the Left and its growing submission to statists and elitists in government. The real embarrassment is that the same people Liberals have been indoctrinated into worshipping, politicians, are the same people using them for their own benefit. Of course the criminals in government always promise the world and deliver noting but confusion and chaos, and the cycle continues. Obooboocare should be a massive embarrassment and humiliation, but Liberals/Progressives are incapable of those emotions any longer. They have been programmed by their dysfunctional parents, peers and teachers to just bow and accept their insignificance and continue to serve the politicians instead of the politicians serving them. They accept the repeated lies in order to get more and more alleged safety. This is the insecurity of the Left. As long as they continue to rape our nation’s wealth and prosperity they are happy. Kathleen Sleezbelius should be fired but this will never happen. Firing her would be an indication of failure and Barrack Hussein never accepts any responsibility. Unless of course it benefits his “legacy”. He is the master manipulator of the weak-minded Liberals/Progressives as he picks and chooses his challenges. Liberals are mushrooms, they are kept in the dark and fed bullsh!t. The worst part is, they enjoy it. The recent revelations of the NSA spying on Germany and Spain should not be surprising. What is surprising is the claim by Barrack Hussein that he didn’t know about it. He is either the most incompetent president since Carter of he is a liar. Most real Americans understand he is both, and this is very dangerous. We are on the cusp of our great Republic being completely transformed into Barrack Husseins utopia of European socialism. His vision, as a statist, is to create the Bourgeoisie for himself and his elitist cronies and have the Proletariat, the rest of America, serve them. This may be acceptable to the Liberals/Progressives, but it isn’t to us real Americans. We will fight the scourge known as Liberalism/Progressivism, with or without the help of the Left. We know they are incapable of independence, ambition and pride. Fortunately real Americans are. God Bless and save America! 146Vote for this comment.! #1.18 - Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:13 AM CDT
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:41:36 +0000

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