Jimmy Buff ....... THANK YOU for having me, and sharing this - TopicsExpress


Jimmy Buff ....... THANK YOU for having me, and sharing this clip... And for caring. Yes my friend, Our water is worth it! And it is way bigger than Cooper lake and Woodstock–– this tiny little town has the opportunity to share our story and let the world know that we really are coming out of the garden, and joining the rest of the world... This little Utopia that we live in, is just as vulnerable to the ravages of the Political Corporate Takeover of our Commons. If there is any gift that this Niagara Proposal has given us, it is to remind Woodstockers that we steward the drinking water for Kingston Citizens, and it is a sacred lake, so we had better protect it. . And Kingston is learning about where their drinking water comes from, and if they want to continue to draw from it, they must also steward this lake with care and focus on sustainability. If they broker our water to municipalities like The Town Of Ulster, and Supervisors like Quiggs choose to leverage our water for their own gain... We will stand up to Save Cooper Lake, and in doing so, we are learning how to work together with others, to empower eachother… To educate each other to share wisdom with each other, to grow together. It is really quite beautiful really… When Woodstockers stop for a moment… Take a breath, and remember why we are focused on this effort… To protect and support and nourish each other.. To continue to preserve what quenches this region. There is only one boat, and it is a lifeboat, and we all would do well to get in it. Together… And row for the sake of each other. Every drop in the bucket matters, and our drop has the potential to cause a big ripple. So lets use it with an eye on the big picture… It is not just my back yard, but When we think every drop… we realize that we are all in the same boat, and our ripples effect. This Sacred lake, a teaching ground… Is reminding us that the Loving and Sustainable Stewardship of our commons is a Tribal Effort...
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 02:06:16 +0000

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