Jims Opinion-Editorial of the Day... The 2014 midterm election - TopicsExpress


Jims Opinion-Editorial of the Day... The 2014 midterm election is just around the corner. It is rather ironic that 90% of people complain about the government, taxes, and national, state, and local issues, but historically only 40% of people vote in midterm elections. So whats the deal? If you dont vote, you have no more right to complain than a foreigner, a child of 10, or an illegal immigrant. Not voting and then complaining is like your wife (or husband) asking you what you want for dinner, then saying I dont care - anything, and then complaining because you dont like what was served. No, we arent voting for who we want as President this year, but we ARE voting for every single member of the federal House of Representatives, 1/3 of our federal Senators, members of our state legislators, and state and local tax and policy issues. Our federal, state and local governments, taxes, and policies SHOULD reflect the will of the people, but because so many people are apathetic and dont voice their opinion in the voting booth, we are too often governed by small minorities that DO speak out. Do we really want a nation that doesnt reflect the will of 300 million people but instead bases its policies on the desires of tiny groups of 5 or 6 million people? Does that really make any sense to anyone? How you vote is not as important as whether you vote. But vote intelligently. Look at the issues. Voting is not a popularity contest - it is voting on what policies and guidelines you want to live by and what you want this country, your state, and your community, to be. Government is only a big brother if you let it be so - sitting in your easy chair complaining but doing nothing about it. Governments are, and always will be, corrupt and inefficient to a degree - that is somewhat inherent in our system, but we DO have it within our power to control the degree of corruption and inefficiency. Only an ignorant fool would not realize that our current government is the most corrupt, inefficient, and the least responsive to the wants of the people than any government in our history. It is within our power to change that, but we cant change it if we sit by and do nothing. We often here the mantra I am only one person - my vote means nothing. That is a myth...if thousands or millions of people say that then their votes DO mean something. There are countless elections that would have turned out differently if everyone had voted. Personally, I will vote for conservative candidates. Why? Because I believe in traditional family values. Because I believe government should only be big and powerful enough to do what the US or state constitutions mandate. Because I believe that our public schools funded by our tax dollars should at least produce graduates that can read and write, add 4 plus 12, and point to Nebraska or England on a map. Because I actually love this country and its traditions...Christmas trees, children exchanging Valentines and Christmas cards at school, manger scenes, working for a living to be self supporting, protecting our borders, punishing criminals, and not granting special privileges to those that dont deserve in order to be politically correct. But if you LIKE socialism, LIKE furnishing guns to drug cartels, LIKE giving aid to Muslim terrorist groups, LIKE the fact that our liberal controlled public education system is producing illiterate people unable to compete in the global job market, LIKE the IRS attempting to control the outcome of elections, LIKE throwing our Constitution out the window, LIKE suppressing free speech, LIKE high taxes, LIKE the fact that people can make more on welfare, food stamps, and unemployment than they can by working, LIKE a government that so over regulates and over taxes business that they cannot grow and prosper to create more jobs, LIKE a government in which NO ONE takes responsibility for waste, fraud, and abuse, LIKE a government that purposely and knowingly deceives the people it supposedly represents, then by all means vote liberal...at least you will be voting...
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 17:46:00 +0000

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