Jist hame fae Renfrew accordion club. The guests tonight were The - TopicsExpress


Jist hame fae Renfrew accordion club. The guests tonight were The Lawrie Accordion Showband. What a pleasure it was to hear a different kind of accordion music played in an orchestral style. Eric Clapton and Barry Gibb would have been delighted with this take on their music. Likewise so would Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. And with a couple of Scottish Pieces thrown in we were treated to a good variation of music. The lesser mortals of box players tonight were Colin Chalmers, Stewart Boal, Archie Gerdiner, Robert Selfrages, Jim Mackintosh, Frank Hamilton, William Scott, Me, and Don Mac Donald. There wiz another wee man as well but Im buggered if I can mind his name. Maggie Mullen and Sean Middleton gied a tune on guitar and fiddle. And another nameless man played the moothie. Ma Irish jigs went no bad till the 3rd tune in A minor which I canny mind the name o. Then ma brain stopped connecting wae ma fingers. Only been playing this set for 45 years and the worse it gets the aulder I get. Same wi ma memory. The new chairs in the hall looked awfy sumptuous. But in reality they are shite. Still in pain as I write this. Get them to the nearest tip...lol. One sad thing the night was the non appearance of an old drummer pal of mines daughter who has taken up the box later in life and plays with the guest Artists Catherine Easton. I learned that Catherine is on crutches wae her leg. Hope ye get better quick hen and sorry I wiznae able to see you for the first time in years and hear ye playing. For anybody reading this Balloch Accordion Fiddle Balloch Accordion Fiddle Club is on this coming Sunday in St Kessogs Hall Balloch at 7.30pm. Its a club night with no guest artist so would love to see some of you guys and lassies come along to gie us a tune. Ching Ching the noo. PS Maggie Mullen. Next time I see you I hope youll have your low cut top on...lololololololollololololololololololololololhahahahaha.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:45:23 +0000

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