Joan Rivers died today at 81. My wife used to be a producer on - TopicsExpress


Joan Rivers died today at 81. My wife used to be a producer on her talk show in New York back in the 80’s. That’s my wife with Joan. And that’s a screen shot of my wife’s producer credit on the show. Both my wife and I will never forget what Joan did for us. I had been working in Rhode Island, when I got the job at KTVU and moved to the Bay Area. My wife and I were dating at the time. And one day Joan pulled my wife into her office and said: “You need to take care of your life. If you want to go to the Bay Area for the summer and live with Frank to figure out what you two are going to do, I will hold your job for you.” Keeping that job open was huge. Producers are VERY competitive and anyone would have jumped at that job in a heartbeat. So Donna came out to the Bay Area for the summer and that pretty much sealed the deal for us. And led to us eventually getting married. We will always be indebted to Joan Rivers for that. Joan also had a tiny dog named Spike. She brought him to work every day. In fact his name was on her office door. My wife also says that it was always odd to see Joan make fun of celebrities on the air, but then off the air backstage they didn’t mind. They were all friends and they respected Joan. My wife says Joan never went anywhere without an entourage. She had a butler. She liked her fur coats. But she also had a big heart. And my wife says: “She was really, really funny and always made me laugh every day at work.” One of Joan River’s greatest fears was that she would have to retire at some point. She loved entertaining people. And my wife was so happy that Joan was able to work right up to the end. My wife says simply: “She was the best.”
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:00:23 +0000

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