Joanie Dunbar is an Administrative Assistant here at LAC. She took - TopicsExpress


Joanie Dunbar is an Administrative Assistant here at LAC. She took the time to answer my questions. Thank you, Joanie. Ten questions for Joanie Dunbar 1) What are you currently reading? Peace is Every Breath by Thich Nhat Hanh (I hope I’m spelling that name correctly). I’m excited about it! 2) There are not many people that read poetry on a regular basis. What do you like about poetry and do you have a favorite poet? Why is this person your favorite? At present, I am currently enjoying Mary Oliver. A lot of her poetry is in reference to nature and the natural world in general. I enjoy the experience of seeing the world through a poet’s lens. Interestingly, poetry used to be one of my least favorite reading genres. Now I really enjoy it! Maybe it’s the aging process. For whatever reason, I’m finding myself more receptive to it. Also, no discussion of favorite poets would be complete without my mentioning Rainer Maria Rilke. LAC has an excellent volume of this poet’s work, so check it out! 3) What is your greatest extravagance? I try to never be without fresh ingredients for a good meal, books (although they are always from the library) and candles for my mantle. It really doesn’t take too much for me to feel ‘rich’. I guess my greatest extravagance then would be time, since I always make time to have these things. 4) Whom do you most admire? Anyone who really cares! I admire people who care enough to get passionate about things that they believe in. I think there are courageous, generous, compassionate people all around us every day and I don’t want to miss knowing any of them! 5) What is your most treasured possession? Probably anything pertaining to my children’s babyhood and lives, such as photos of their growing up years. Also, anything loved by my son Ian. 6) Favorite book? Movie? Music/Musician? I would have a terrible time picking a favorite book. I am a prolific and indiscriminate reader! For favorite music, I’d probably have to go with Van Morrison or Tom Petty, although I have many favorites there as well. I also really like to listen to newer music that my sons introduce me to. They’re good with picking musicians that become my new favorites, like The Band of Heathens. Also, I find that I really love musicians that write their own music. Not a bias, just something that I seem to gravitate to. 7) What is it that you most dislike? Unkind people. Sometimes these people are well-hidden. Unfortunately, sometimes I’m this person as well. I try to be aware of it! A lot of times, if I’m noticing that I just don’t like someone, I try to pay better attention. It may be that they remind me of something in myself that I need to work on. 8) What’s your motto? Don’t worry so much about mistakes you may have made. Just take the next right step and in this way a good life can be lived. Extend grace whenever possible. Try to hold opposing views in your head at the same time as much as possible. I find this to be a great way to teach myself new things. 9) One of the books you chose for your staff picks shelf is In Defense of Food by Michael Pollen. Would you consider yourself a “foodie”? Do you cook a lot at home? I am extremely interested in cooking and eating more whole foods. I cook almost all of my meals from scratch at home in order to avoid highly processed foods. This interest has grown out of a love for cooking that I’ve always had, and also a concern for taking better care of myself. I find the whole idea of not consuming foods that wouldn’t have been recognizable by my grandparents as ‘food’ to be very interesting! I don’t always get this right as sometimes I get tired and just want to pick up something from Chik fil A, but I do try. Also, I’m happy at home and cooking is a large part of that happiness. 10) What or whom do you love more than anything else? My sons! They are awesome, funny, extremely interesting young people. (Also, I’m sorta crazy about my old dog Jake.)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:52:27 +0000

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