Job 19: 1 - 7 , 23 - 29 MY REDEEMER LIVES ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! - TopicsExpress


Job 19: 1 - 7 , 23 - 29 MY REDEEMER LIVES ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! Todays message is to REMIND ALL OF US that sometimes in life it will get tough , but it is in those moments that we learn that GOD IS TRULY ENOUGH ! My brothers and my sisters as it says in , Galatians 6 : 9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap , if we faint not. Psalms 103 : 1 - 4 1 - Bless the LORD , O my soul : and all that is within me , bless his holy name. 2 - Bless the LORD , O my soul , and forget not all his benefits : 3 - Who forgiveth all thine inquities ; who healeth all thy diseases ; 4 - Who redeemeth thy life from destruction ; who crownth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies ; When we are going through our trails and tribulations people will talk about you like a dog ! ( HELLO SOMEBODY ? ) PEOPLE WILL HATE YOU ! RATE YOU ! BREAK YOU AND SHAKE YOU ! HOW STRONG YOU STAND IS WHAT MAKES YOU ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! ( WHY DO YOU SAY THAT PREACHER ? SO GLAD YOU ASKED US ! ) MY REDEEMER LIVES ! WE ARE TOO ANOINTED TO BE DISAPPOINTED ! TOO BLESSED TO STRESSED OR DEPRESSED ! TOO CHOSEN TO BE FROZEN ! TOO ELECTED TO BE REJECTED ! HAVE MORE TO SHOUT ABOUT THAN TO POUT ABOUT ! WE HAVE MORE TO SING ABOUT THAN TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! MY REDEEMER LIVES ! In the text the scripture lesson if you will , to most people , the name Job is synonymous with SUFFERING ! James used Job as an example of who endured and demonstrated Gods compassion to all righteous sufferers ( READ James 5:11). Jobs suffering was unspeakable ! Deprived of his possessions , status and children , he was then stricken physically with sores all over his body. His wife urged him to curse God and die ! Those who came to comfort him did not even recognize him and were horrified by his condition ! ( ANYBODY IN THE HOUSE THAT IS HAVING THIS MOMENT RIGHT NOW ! YES PREACHER ! THANK YOU HOLY GHOST POWER CANT FUNCTION WITHOUT YOU ! ) Unable to explain his plight and circumstances , they assumed it was due to sin and advised him to confess it to God. By this time Job was wearied by his comforters. Imagine that COULDNT GET COMFORT FROM THE COMFORTERS ! ( HELP US HOLY GHOST ! WE ARE ! THANK YOU HOLY GHOST POWER WE WILL TELL THE PEOPLE HELP IS ON THE WAY ! TELL THEM PREACHER ! SURE WILL HOLY GHOST POWER ! ) MY REDEEMER LIVES ! EVEN THOUGH JOB WAS MISUNDERSTOOD BY FRIENDS , AND WE WILL IN THIS TIME , AFFLICTED BY GOD AS A TEST OF JOBS FAITH , WE WILL BE TESTED , UNHEARD IN HIS COMPLAINTS , THIS WILL HAPPEN ON THIS JOURNEY , BUT JOB TRUSTED IN THE GOD OF HIS SALVATION ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! JOB MAINTAINED HIS INNOCENCE AND PERMANENT RECORD WITH GOD ! THE BIBLE TELLS US IN ALL OF THIS JOB SINNED NOT ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! Job 19 : 21 - Have pity on me , have pity upon me , O ye my friends ; for the hand of God hath touched me. This remarkable passage of scripture in Job 19 chapter REMINDS US THAT EVEN IN THE DARKEST HOUR OR NIGHT , SAINTS OF GOD CAN KNOW THAT THE LORD WILL EVENTUALLY VINDICATE THEM AND REWARD THEM WITH A VISION OF HIM ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! HOWEVER IT IS A STERN CAUTION AGAINST UNJUSTLY ACCUSING A SUFFERING BELIEVER OF HAVING BROUGHT ON HIS PLIGHT THROUGH SIN ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! Just know that God sometimes test us even if we are doing right to see if we are ready for the next level and greater works ! AMEN ? HALLELUJAH ! Hold to Gods unchanging hand ! ( WHY PREACHER ? SO GLAD YOU ASKED US AGAIN ! ) MY REDEEMER LIVES ! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY FOR ALL THE THINGS THAT HE HAS DONE !!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:53:58 +0000

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