Job 42 1Then Job replied to the Lord: 2“I know that you can do - TopicsExpress


Job 42 1Then Job replied to the Lord: 2“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. 3You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. 4“You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ 5My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 6Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Some of us have just recently come to know God and some of us are in the process of coming to know God. I am not only talking about people that have just recently given their lives to Christ. I am also talking about people that have known who God is for all of our lives. I am talking about people that have been in church for 30, 40, and 50 years or even longer. I am talking about people who are just learning the word of God and people that have been reading God’s word for our whole lives. Notice Job said 5 my ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Job is referring to truly knowing God. Not just hearing about God but truly knowing who God is. We can hear the word of God we can hear about God we can even be raised in the house of God but until we truly allow ourselves to experience God we will not really know God for ourselves. Until we truly submit ourselves to God and have a relationship with God we will not truly understand who God is to us. We are all one body of Jesus Christ, we are all children of God and we are united by the Holy Spirit. We all however have our own relationship and journey with God that is unique to each of us. God reaches out to us and teaches us in the exact way he needs to in order for us to have success in what he is teaching us. When God is working with us to transform us sometimes it can be a painful experience. If we are obedient to God and trust him through this process we will grow. You and I may be going through the same situation in our lives however God will deal with our situation completely different. Why? Because God knows each one of us even better than we know ourselves. God knows he has to deal with each one of us according to where we are spiritually and who we are as individuals. So while your situation may be the same as mine God will bring us through it differently so we will get the most out of it and learn what we need to learn from it. Often it is when we are in the middle of something that we grow the most with God. In the middle of our storm, in the middle of our trials and tribulations, in the middle of difficult relationships, in the middle of difficult situations, we can be transformed. We can submit to God and say change me, mold me, create in me a new heart. Make me more like you God. We can say God help me to see as you see, teach me how to love like you love, teach me how to live in the example of Christ no matter what I am facing in my life. When we truly do things God’s way and trust him completely God can work in us to truly bring about the changes we need in us. When we accept responsibility and accountability for our own lives and our own actions we can start truly being transformed by God. When we stop blaming other people for the life we have and we stop blaming circumstances for the life we have we can move forward with God. When we stop blaming other people for the way we are and we go to God and say change me we will be changed. When we admit to God that we are broken and we are hurt and we need God to fix us we will be made whole and complete in God. We have to stop waiting for other people to change. We have to stop waiting for our life to change. We have to stop holding on to what has happened in the past. Let us truly give ourselves to God. Even the deepest darkest parts of us. All the dirt, grime and ugliness, all the sadness, all the wounds and hurts and disappointments. Let us give ourselves completely to the only one that can truly help us and heal us and fill us with Joy that no one can take away. Let us stand firm on the promises of God and realize that when we allow God to change us everything in our lives will be different. Other people may not change but the way we deal with them will. Circumstances and situations may not change but the way we handle them will. The life we have when we allow God to truly transform us and guide us is better than any life we have when we try to do things our way. God gives us Joy, peace, strength and the ability to live life in the example of Christ no matter what we are up against. When we truly give ourselves to God, God comes into focus. God becomes real and we realize that God is with us, truly with us and he cares about everything about us. When we truly know God for ourselves and have a relationship with God we realize for ourselves what Job was talking about When Job said 5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:13:18 +0000

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