Job Creation open Focusing on Job Creation Congress needs - TopicsExpress


Job Creation open Focusing on Job Creation Congress needs to renew its focus on job creation and set aside the pointless partisan squabbling over less-important issues, many of which concern policies which aren’t going to change. Too many Florida families are going without good jobs while the attention of Congress is directed elsewhere. I believe politicians aren’t doing their job when they aren’t working hard to create jobs for us. I will fight to put job creation first. I will focus on creating jobs, strengthening jobs, and ensuring we’re creating high-paying, career-oriented jobs. Fighting Job Killers Washington’s failed, out-of-touch policies are killing jobs. I will oppose pending legislation which kills jobs, such as proposals for radical new energy taxes and “card check” legislation. I will also work hard to repeal existing job killing laws, such as Obamacare, currently the nation’s #1 job killer. When our economy is soft, and families are hurting, Congress must put job creation first and abandon ideological crusades which do not create jobs and offer neither help nor comfort to families facing joblessness, unpaid bills, and often, foreclosure. Fighting Bureaucracy and Red Tape Excessive bureaucracy and red tape is standing in the way of job creation. Over the last five years, government bureaucrats have greatly expanded their authority and scope. The result has been predictable: jobs lost, businesses closed, and manufacturing sent overseas. I oppose allowing government bureaucrats to create sweeping new rules without accountability or public input. Congress must play a more active role in setting our regulatory policy. Delegating this authority to bureaucrats ensures that those responsible for killing jobs and closing businesses cannot be held accountable through elections. Elected representatives should be in charge, not unelected bureaucrats. We must also streamline government bureaucracy and ease the burden of Big Government on small business. Rules must be simplified, condensed, and written to be more easily understood. More interactions between government and citizens or businesses should be transacted efficiently, with a greater focus on online services. Government must adopt the principles of responsive and efficient customer service from the private sector and transform itself to an entity which works with the people, rather than against them, as is often the case. Regulatory information must be presented more openly, with a greater emphasis on accessibility and public understanding, not buried deep in rule books which only lawyers understand. Entrepreneurs Create Jobs – Not Government I believe that entrepreneurs, not government, are responsible for job creation. I believe that you built it. The proper role of government is the administration of public infrastructure, such as roads, as well as the maintenance of orderly and fair markets, with a basic set of rules and level playing field. Government must provide an environment which facilitates orderly job creation. I oppose excessive government intervention or government picking the “winners and losers.” Jobs are lost, not created, when politicians pick the winners and losers, putting well-connected special interests before those who are honest and hard working. Industrial subsidies and corporate welfare kill jobs and hinder growth by transferring wealth away from the middle class and from job creators, giving it to undeserving insiders and special interests unable to compete on their own. When well-connected but unviable firms like Solyndra fail, the result is more jobs lost and more public debt. hiresforcongress/issues/job-creation/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:29:06 +0000

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