Job Search Techniques: 6 Rules Of How To Land A Job Faster I - TopicsExpress


Job Search Techniques: 6 Rules Of How To Land A Job Faster I don’t think hunting for a job ever stops, really, it feels like a never –ending journey. We have graduates who are fresh out of college who are looking for jobs, we have people who cleared college and universities ages ago and are still looking for jobs and we have people who already have a job and what do you know...they are job searching. Job hunting becomes like a joke that no one really gets and if you don’t have your legs steady on the ground, you will feel lost in the jungle of job searching. Which is why you need to follow some rules for you to keep your sanity while everybody around you is losing theirs. Let’s take a look at those rule. Rule No. 1: Get offline and score some face time It’s the first thing you do...go online. Most times, a lot of people spend their time on the computer applying online as a primary form of job searching. While the computer can be instrumental, a good job search utilizes additional tactics. It’s wise to incorporate activities such as face-to-face informational interviews. Go to companies and do it the old fashioned (analogue) way, ask if they have any vacancies, go to events and meet people. Ever heard of networking? This is the time to network as if your life depended on it. Rule No. 2: Treat job searching like a job You’ve heard the phrase “Kutafuta kazi pia ni kazi” Well, whoever conjured that up didn’t do that for the sake of it. Looking for a job is hectic, you don’t stop until you get one! A superb rule is to do at least 5 things each day in support of your job search. Five of those things can be done online, like finding and applying for jobs, and writing emails to strengthen your career network or working on your CV and cover letter and making sure they are error free. Rule No. 3: Join professional associations and network It’s important to build professional networks as a job hunter. This kind of affiliations is indispensable when searching for employment. Attending association functions puts you in front of people who may be hiring. No one knows how wonderful you are if you’re hiding behind your computer. To them, you are just another faceless Kenyan. Rule No. 4: Volunteer or apprentice without pay. I hear young people lament on how a lot of jobs require one to have 2-4 years of experience, “How are we supposed to get such kind of experience when we are just out of college?” For starters, you can volunteer to work without pay. It’s hard especially when you have to make ends meet but nothing good comes easy. Volunteering or interning without pay may sound like the antithesis of job searching, but in reality it’s a great way to make connections and prove your worth. Rule No. 5: Use the phone to your best advantage The phone shouldn’t be use to make late night free calls only and tweeting and Facebooking all day. Keep in touch with people who are worth keeping in touch with. Alright, that sounds a bit off but at least try to keep in touch with people you meet through networking events. For example, after meeting people in your industry of interest, call them to solidify the relationship. Ask for information on which companies may be hiring. These ongoing relationships will serve you well throughout your career, but especially while job searching. Rule No. 6: Use social websites to your advantage Again, back to Facebook and twitter...Kenyans love free things and we are proud of that, so how come you are not using the social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to heighten your job search? More and more people are turning to social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn in their searches for employment. The websites make it easy to connect with others who share your interests. Make sure you keep your profiles and conversations professional, and stay up-to-date on industry happenings, so conversations reflect your intelligence and enthusiasm for your career.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:57:48 +0000

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