Job Sikhala hospitalised after being heavily beaten up by police - TopicsExpress


Job Sikhala hospitalised after being heavily beaten up by police over Mugabes death plot Outspoken former St Marys MP Job Sikhala was allegedly brutally assaulted by police officers interrogating him on Saturday. Sikhala has already been admitted to a hospital with his blood pressure said to have risen to dangerous levels. The MDC-T official was arrested at the Beitbridge Border Post on Thursday in the morning before being moved to Harare Central Police Station. According to Sikhala the police are trying to press treason charges against him. A few days ago Sikhala laughed off a string of incredulous state media reports alleging that he met Vice President Joice Mujurus emissaries at an undisclosed location in Harare to discuss a plot to oust President Robert Mugabe. When your country is under the stewardship of the demented they always fear their shadows. Today I laughed my lungs out kuti mai vangu chavakafira hapana chavakaona. (The dead are missing out on this circus), Sikhala said this week. According to Morgan Muchawaya who is running Sikhalas Facebook page: Our freedom fighter has been tortured today in the morning by security agents on the underground bunker at the Harare Central Police station. He was invited to report to the Law and Order yesterday late hours. He was not in Harare as he was in his rural village, where he later made arrangements with his lawyer to report today in the morning. He then went to report this morning with his lawyer Alec Muchadehama. His lawyer and some of us who accompanied him there, where refused to accompany him to the interrogation room. We were asked to stay outside for hours only to hear that the party had made contingent measures to take him to hospital. He is currently in hospital treated of torture pains. His explanation is that, there was no interrogation they did to him but accused him of having gone to Swaziland to meet some white German national who wanted to give him arms of war to wage a war against the government. He also says that he was tortured being asked why he left MDC99 to regroup with Morgan Tsvangirai. They took all the possessions that were in his pocket. Sikhala says he never met any white person for sometime now and that he was in Swaziland on holiday after he was invited by his brother in law, Muchawaya said. MDC-T Deputy Treasurer General Chalton Hwende said, This is not acceptable particularly by a police force of the current SADC Chairman (Mugabe). No amount of suppression, brutality and persecution is going to stop us from demanding the resignation of Robert Mugabe. On Friday a defiant Sikhala wrote We should never get frustrated by these incercerations but we must be embodied to fight for a just cause. There is no tomorrow in Mugabe and his crew. He has to go. The true peoples plot is coming. Its truly coming and it will be people driven. The country is pregnant with anger. I am also angry. Lets wait for the day.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:18:04 +0000

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