Jodha Akbar 13th August 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 jodha is - TopicsExpress


Jodha Akbar 13th August 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 jodha is sitting on stone while khaibar is sleeping, she tries to grab her saree which khaibar has tucked in his hairs, jodha finally gets successful, she thinks that this is the time to run from here, I wish I find some village, she starts walking and says that I will walk by the bank of lake so that I will find some village, jalal on other hand says to his soldiers to walk by bank of lake as that beast will be around it, khaibar wakes up and doesn’t find jodha there, he shouts in anger. jodha looks around lake and says no village can be seen here, maybe its on other side of lake, she tries to cross the lake and thinks that its not deep, I will cross it, she is walking in lake and suddenly falls, she starts drowning in it and ask for help, kahibar is finding her and jalal too. jodha shouts for jalal, jalal and his forces come to lake side, munim says that we didn’t find any clue about them, jalal says I feel we should starts seeing from the start of this lake, they go there. khaibar on mountain end shouts for jodha’s name, jodha is drowning in lake, one person takes her out from lake and his is not shown. Scene 2 at night, jodha is lying unconscious in some hut, she gets conscious and thinks that finally I have come in some village, maybe someone saved me and brought me here, khaibar comes there, jodha ask did you take me out from lake? khaibar says yes and is angry on jodha, jodha around in hut, she thinks that this not a village but only hut, but who lives here? she says food is also cooked here, maybe khaibar has threw them out, she says to khaibar that how many homes will you destroy, jalal is right, you are beast not a human. khaibar gives her some clothes, jodha thinks that this is not good to wear someone else’s cloth without asking but my clothes are wet and what if that affect my children, I have to save Mughal heirs so I will wear clothes, she takes clothes from khaibar and ask him to go out as she has to change, khaibar ask what, she says go out, I cant change infront of you, go out, khaibar understands and go out. munim says to jalal that soldiers are tired, I think we should stop the search and will start tomorrow, jalal says I don’t want to stop but we cant find anything in night so we will rest here. soldiers make tents, maan singh comes to jalal and says that people are gossiping about jodha, I know I cant take her side after what she did but she is like this, for truth, for innocent she can go to any length ti save them or to give them their rights, she used to do this in amer too, jalal says I know that but she took side of a criminal, just because of her ego and stubbornness, there is bitterness in our relation but I will remember your point too. Scene 3 jodha wears common dress, khaibar looks at her and is mesmerized by her beauty, khaibar sees food and is about to eat it but jodha takes it from him and says don’t know for this beast I have become criminal of people, jodha brings out food in plate, khaibar is happy and eats the food, jodha says I feel like you never ate cooked food, I cant understand how can anyone force you live in jungle, you could have been a better human, you saved my life 2 times that means you have goodness but you kidnapped me for 2 times that means you have no snese as human, if you are good then why you do this, its not good to kidnap anyone, are you understanding, ok forgive me and have food. in morning, jodha and khaibar are sleeping in hut, hut owner comes and sees them, he goes to jalal tent and informs him that he saw khaibar and jodha together in his hut, jalal and all Mughal goes to hut but khaibar has already left from there with jodha, owner says that jodha wore my wife’s dress and made food too, jalal comes in and sees food plates and jodha’s clothes, owner says that they were together whole night, jalal gets angry and looks at jodha’s dress, he says I don’t think they went far away, lets find them. scene 4 khaibar is dragging jodha, jodha ask him to leave her, jodha gets tree branch and starts beating khaibar with it, khaibar gets wounded, jodha stops and feels bad, she says try to understand khaibar, i couldn’t see you in pain in jail so i made you run from there but now i have to give you pain, please let me go, my family must be worried for me, let me go, jodha cries, khaibar comes closer and tries to wipe her tears but jodha moves back and ask him to let her go, khaibar listens some horses sound and takes jodha there, jalal comes there and says that beast will be alert by listening the horses sound so we will walk from here, jalal sharif and soldiers starts walking in jungle. khaibar is looking around in jungle, he sees jalal coming and says no, jalal sees him, kahibar comes to jodha and lifts her up and goes from there, jalal says who was he, maan says he cant be khaibar as he cant speak but who ever he was he now knows that we are in jungle, jalal says ok we will travel by horse but will go from other side of junle. khaibar is taking jodha, jodha sits and says i am feeling hungey, khaibar says ok and goes to get some food for her, jodah goes from there, she sees some men and comes to them, she tells them that i am jodha begum of Mughal saltanat, one beast kidnapped me, you just take me to agra than you will get reward, they ask jodha who dared kidnapp her, jodha says leave that but just take me from here, they take jodha from there. jalal comes to some village people, one man says we got afraid that robbers came here, some robbers are there in jungle and they come , take our everything, jalal ask sharif to go in jungle and finish that robbers, he ask how these robbers look like? jodha is walking with group of men, they look lustily at jodha, jodha ask why did you stop here? one man says that before selling her in market, we should enjoy her, they says that we are robbers not any village people, they surround jodha, jodha says don’t come near me, stay away from me. PRECAP- jodha has fallen in deep dig, jalal comes in dig by tying rope around his waist, khaibar also comes in dig to save jodha, they both extend their hands to jodha to save her, jalal angrily looks at khaibar, jodha looks at jalal and tries to take his hand. .................. #Ahsaas
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:22:42 +0000

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