Jodha Akbar 30th July 2014 Written Episode - TopicsExpress


Jodha Akbar 30th July 2014 Written Episode .................. Scene 1 jalal says to jodha that this kind of mistakes are not to be forgiven, why did you go to meet that beast, jodha says that you know that beast not so bad, I listened to see his screams so I went there, its Ramadan, how can bear torture on anyone, jalal says that I don’t know anything, I cant tolerate this, ruks handle her, jodha feels pain in her belly, jalal ask what happened, ruks says that she is fasting that’s why, jalal says I don’t understand why is she fasting, why cant you understand that children’s lives are important. he leaves, hamida says that look jalal also didn’t like your step, go to your room now, jodha leaves. at night, moti says to jodha that jalal scolded you as he cares for you, she gives her food to eat, jodha cries and says that I did hurt all but I was just doing right thing, how can he scold me like this, moti says don’t worry jalal will come to make up your mood soon, come have bath and get ready, jodha says for whom should I get ready, moti says that when wife is pregnant, the space is created between husband and wife, don’t create that between you and jalal, jodha says nothing like that would happen, jalal loves me a lot and I am giving birth to his child, moti says I know, nothing will happen so get ready to welcome jalal. ruks comes to hamida and ask her to come for iftaar, she says on iftaar time you shouldn’t get angry or scold anyone, its not good, i know jodha used to be your favorite but these days jodha is breaking all rules and she acts stubborn, hamida thinks that jodha is becoming stubborn day by day maybe because jalal is lenient to her. Scene 2 jalal is going through palace, he thinks that I shouldn’t have scolded jodha like this, she must be feeling bad, I should go to her, he ask dasi where is jodha, dasi says that she is in shahi bathroom, jalal goes there and sees some lady in bath tub, he thinks that its jodha and smiles. moti is making jodha ready and says your mood will be fine when jalal will come here, jodha feels restless and says I feel like something bad is going to happen, something very shocking, moti says don’t worry, its just your thought. jalal takes of his suit, he comes in bath tub and hugs the girl from behind and says I love you a lot jodha begum. dasi comes to jodha and says you are here, I thought you were taking bath, jalal was finding you, should I send him to you, jodha says no I will go to shahi bath room. jalal is hugging the girl, girl turns and she is someone else, jalal leaves her and ask who are you? jodha comes there and says jalal you called me here, she sees jalal bare body in tub with a girl, she is hurt and says I will come after some time sorry, jalal is shocked and comes out to tub, he wears his cloth. he says to jodha that he thought you were in tub, she ask the girl who is she, girl says to jalal that her clothes got dirty so she came here to take a bath, she leaves from there, jalal says to jodha that look I was mistaken only, jodha smiles and says i trust you and you are a king, you cane with anyone else, jalal says nothing like that, jodha says don’t worry, i have faith on you, she hugs him, jalal recalls girl’s face. The girl is tensed too. javeda is practicing sword fighting by cutting pillows, resham comes there and catches her, resham says i got thief, now maham wont leave you, javdea shows her face and says i am javeda, i was practicing sword fighting to become like jodha, you never know when you will kidnapped by a beast like khaibar, resham says but that beast is already caught, javeda says you don’t know when you need to fight so let me do the sword fighting. Scene 3 at night, jalal is in deep thoughts, he paints the girls face who he saw in bath tub, he looks at her face, jodha comes there, jalal says you shouldn’t come here in this condition, jodha says I had to come as I have to sorry for my mistake of going to khaibar and for hurting you and hamida, jalal says I ma sorry for scolding you but khaibar is not a human, stay away from him and I am sorry for that bath room mistake, jodha says don’t be, I trust you that you wont do anything wrong, she says that you completed the painting, she sees the painting of other women and ask who is she, he says don’t know, she was in my thoughts so made her face, jodha feels little bad and says that its good painting, she leaves, jalal looks at painting and recalls how he saw the girl’s face in tub, he says this painting is of same girl, who is she that I made her painting. ruks comes to jalal and says wow this painting is very beautiful, jalal says its you, i got afraid, ruks says king jalal got afraid of my voice only, what are you hiding, jalal says why will i hide anything from you, you will find out as you are my childhood’s friend, ruks thinks that artist made the painting and praises artist, ruks says shall we play chess, jalal says why not, he then looks at painting. Scene 4 some people have come from Kabul to get accommodation in agra, jalal says to atgah that you have to check them all, we cant rust anyone, he says call them in court, all come there, they request to jalal to let them stay in agra, jalal says you all can stay but Mughal rule will not change for anyone you, have to follow it, you all have to show your id’s to atgah, one girl’s veil comes off by wind and jalal is shocked to see her as she is same girl who he hugged in bath tub, she looks at jalal and feels awkward, jalal keeps looking at her. the man with her ask her to put veil on her face, he ask why jalal is looking at you like this, she says i had meet him yesterday, actually i went to bath room then.. he says pray that jalal doesn’t recognize you, atagh says you all stay here till i check your national identity, jalal says no need, ruks is stunned, jalal says that they are our people and its my responsibility to help the, he ask the man standing beside atifa that what he used to do earlier, he says he was finance assistant of mahaC, jalal orders to give them jobs. he looks at girl, she looks at him then looks down, ruks comes from behind and sees jalal glaring at her. PRECAP- jalal is holding atifa’s hand in whole court, he smiles looking at her, jodha sees this and is tensed, jalal doesn’t leave her hand despite her will. Nida....
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:51:32 +0000

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