Jodha akbar 24th written episode: The episode begins at the Meena - TopicsExpress


Jodha akbar 24th written episode: The episode begins at the Meena bazaar .. Jalal is full of praises for the tohfaas given to him by all three begums .. The tohfaa that touched his heart was the locket given by Salima begum .. Which had inscriptions of hindus and muslims on its two faces ..reminding him of his new status ....AKBAR ... Jo is happy and congratulates Salima .. Ruku is jealous and unwillingly forces a congratulation for Salima .. Jalal meets naughty Rahim .. As he is is usual naughty self Jo -JA take a walk in moon light ... Jala asks if she was annoyed as she did Not win .. The meena bazaar contest ... Jo is not jealous of Salima but happy for her .. Jalal then says .. Jodha was closest to his heart ...this brings a smile on Jos face .. Jalalholds her hand .. Smiles at her .. They walk in the wilderness with their guards following them ... At kabul .. Mahachuchak is annoyed with her clumsy maid .. She loses her temper and warns her of dire consequences if she annoyed her again .. MC sends a message to Ghani khan and Jalal .. Nazir beg MCs blind general gifts her the beheaded head of one enemy and MC is maha impressed ..and happy with him .. Next scene is at Agra DEK... Jodha Ruku, salima are seen walking towards the DEK and elsewhere Todarmal is examining the tohfaas minutely ... At DEK Jalal demands that he would like all his khaas begums to present him their tohfaas .. First comes Salima...followed by. Ruku . Just as Jo is about to place the taj /mukut / crown on Jalals head .. Todermal interfares .. As he has discovered something poisonous in the crown .. All are shocked .. .. Todermal is asked to prove himself by Jalal .... Todermal then displays his ulcerating bleeding hands that happened because he had touched and examined the crown ..entire DEK Is shocked .. Jalal furiously orders investigations to determine who and why was his crown poisoned The royal hakim declares that a special unique rare poison which would have spelled doom on Jalal .had been smeared on to thecrown Parvardigaar had saved their shehenshaha .... Jalal orders urgent treatment for. Todermal ... Atgah is very concerned how could such a poison enter the palace .. Jodha is questioned ... But she is innocent ... Ruku blames Jo for being careless .. Salima defends Jodha .. It is inferred by Atgah-Todermal that some one did the act of poisoning the crown was an insider ... The one who has easy access to Jodhas hojra and had easy access to all her things .. And this act of sabotage was carried out while Jo slept .... Jo is very hurt and worried .. Todermal questions all jodhas baandies ...jodha defends Moti Bai ..... Jalal asks Todermal to be careful and not blame any innocent one ... Jo laments that some one has used her to attack Jalal Precap for tomorrow ... Jalal is siting very close to Jodha and looks into her tearful eyes and asks her lovingly .. Tell me Jodha begum .. Were you the one who poisoned his crown ?? Jo is stunned !
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:42:08 +0000

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