Jodis most recent update on Scotty. Please keep the prayers - TopicsExpress


Jodis most recent update on Scotty. Please keep the prayers coming. See you all at the benefit! Dont forget Sunday December 14th from noon-6pm at the Lake Tavern: Day Forty-Seven-Fri. 11/28/14 Woke up this morning feeling a lil sluggish, head a lil stuffy had sinus pressure, and started saying my prayers! lord please lift from me what ever it is that is brewing up inside this sinus cavity! I have no time for ailment! I am my husbands voice, eyes, and ears right now lord and he is dependent on me! Right about that time my phone rang and it was Scotts sister letting me know that she and Scotts mom were leaving in just about 15 minutes to go to the hospital!! Wonderful, God was listening. (Not that I doubted he wouldnt be for a second) This gave me time to rest my head, and do a lil around the house before I had to head up! PERFECT!! When I walked in and said my usual Hi honey Im Back, did you miss me? I sure missed you!! I couldnt wait to get here! He raised a brow at me, I chuckled, and said what you didnt miss me? Im thinking he is probably thinking NOOOO, I laid here in peace until you came in!! Lol!! I do just ramble on at him! Tell him about the boys, what their plans are for the day, told them that the boys were coming to visit, he usually perks right up when he hears that, today he was TIRED!! Physical Therapist said he was worked hard today, but he cooperated very well! As well as the Speech Pathologist, Scott really likes her! She gets a charge out of him! She swings through just to get him to wave at her even when its not his turn!! She is Awesome!! The nurse was cleaning his mouth with his antibacterial rinse and she asked him if it tasted bad? And Scott took his hand and went back and forth like so so!! She looked at me both our eyes were wide as could be, we just laughed! And praised him for a great job!! Scott had his first shave from his loving wife today, I know it was no shave November, but I couldnt take it! Got his mustache all trimmed up too! He was starting to look like Capt. Kangaroo!! (Boy, thats a throw back). When I told him how handsome he looked when I was done, he gave me that raised brow again! Love when I get the expressions!! Scott was very tired today and this evening they had him off the ventilator for 13-1/2 closer to 14 hours straight today! That is FANTASTIC!! But also makes him tired, he works harder, kinda like us walking on a tread mill, at least that is what the Pulmonary Physician says. Left Scott watching one of his favorite shows Andy Griffith, with his eyes half shut, until tomorrow my love, kissed him goodnight! And away I went.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 15:31:04 +0000

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