Jody Stroble asked me to play the 20 facts game. I am a little - TopicsExpress


Jody Stroble asked me to play the 20 facts game. I am a little scared at all the things youll know about me now...but here ya go! 1. Ice cream is my absolute favorite food. 2. I do not leave the house without toenail polish on. 3. I have 2 best friends, both named Sarah. One Ive known for 16 years. 4. I lived in Oregon from the time I was 8 till I was 14. 5. My favorite colors are hot pink and lime green. 6. I still think if I hang my toes over my bed someone will grab them. 7. My favorite person to go anywhere with is my 5yr.old brother Casey. 8. I can read a very large, small print book in about a day and retain it all. 9. My favorite show is Criminal Minds, and my favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. 10. I drank breast milk from my mom and my aunt when I was 14 and 17 to see what it tasted like. 11. I cannot cook, dance or sing. (I like to pretend I can though.) 12. I was in three wrecks in the month of February and got my car totaled once. 13. My favorite place to be is at the Library. 14. My earliest memory is of my dad taking me fishing. 15. I slept on my parents floor until i was 16, when i had bad nightmares. I still dont like to sleep alone. 16. I hate high heels. 17. One of the best gifts Ive ever got was a jewelry box that my grandpa made for me. 18. My sisters and I have had burping contests at midnight. 19. I like people that make me laugh so hard my belly hurts. 20. I am a really cool person...As yall can see!;) Lexie Conger Sarah Beth Wilcoxson Bethany Conger Sarah Hutson Mary Grace Leonard Hannah Leonard
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 22:31:25 +0000

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