Joe Blow from JPL labs explains CO2 emissions and Geo Engineering, - TopicsExpress


Joe Blow from JPL labs explains CO2 emissions and Geo Engineering, this dumb ass obviously never goes outside....! 1. First 15 min he explains the carbon emissions from FOSSIL FUELS and deforestation to be equal to 10 gigatons of carbon per year with growth at 3% per year. Note: (8 gigatons of this from burning FOSSIL FUELS) Co2 levels are currently at 400 ppm that is 100 ppm more than 10 thousand years before year 2000. 2. Next he explains co2 remains in the atmosphere longer than ionized radiation (311 Fukushima), he states 50% of co2 emitted will remain there beyond 200 years. 3. He states by 2020 emissions causing the carbon increases must be reversed otherwise there will be a non reversal effect that will devastate the planet. He uses the example the arctic ice will be melted. Note:NASA tells us the ice caps are increasing. 4. 46:09 He mentions rouge Geo Engineering what is happening now IMO. He also states there are 5 programs in process...At 48:00 min he lies says they are not using Geo Engineering now... LIAR...! 48:30 he does state seeding clouds makes them darker, makes them worse 5. 54:10 graphic shows Tipping Point 2030 SRM Solar Radiation Management may be necessary, if so why are they doing it now, he state they are not ready to do it now....? Rouge Operation by the NSA...? Bottom line if government is serious about the problem, the so called co2 issue, they would stop use of FOSSIL FUELS and increase development technology of alternative energy. The Problem....Greedy Trillionaires of the world want control of everything, otherwise they would disclose the Free Energy sources currently in use today by governments....! https://youtube/watch?v=EsKfD0-sFzA
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:06:41 +0000

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