Joe Fyffe Via Andy Little Dear Mr. President: America, the - TopicsExpress


Joe Fyffe Via Andy Little Dear Mr. President: America, the country that you have been entrusted with leading, continues to encounter excelerated difficulties. We have trusted you.listened to you, and for a while, we even trusted you. For the first two years of your administration, the American people gave YOU a “blank check” that we vowed to “make good”, regardless of our saccrifice. Like most Americans ( you had a resounding electoral victory in 2008, and an easy re-election in 2012), I had such lofty expectations for your administration! Campaign slogans that you used, such as “Hope and Change” and “Yes! We can”, gave me, and I expect most Americans, pride of ownership of our tiny little pieces of the American dream. As a Southerner who lived through the turmoil of the Civil Rights struggle, I was tremendously excited that Martin Luther King, Jr’s dream of a society of that judged on the character of mankind, rather than skin color had finally come into fruition. I was extremely excited that the first black American President would , once and for all, UNITE US, not as white Americans, black Americans, Christian Americans, Muslim Americans, or any other “modifier” Americans, but simply as AMERICANS. I can not member America being more divided than it has been during your watch. WE, AMERICA, trusted you. We gave YOU our seal of approval. We knew it was a hard job. You told us YOU knew it would be a hard job , and that you were up to this Job.. Frankly, I suspect it has always been a hard job. When Jimmy Carter (likely the worst American President, until your administration) left the Presidency, he spent his last seconds trying to rescue the hostages held by Muslim extremists in Iran. Carter’s last act as President was to apologize for not being the leader that he sincerely wanted to be. Jimmy Carter sought and was given the forgiveness of the American people. Your job may be as tough as Carter’s. Perhaps it’s even more difficult. BUT, at no time did Carter ever cast blame anywhere other than his own doorstep. Frankly, Mr. President, American performance reflects leadership. Perhaps, the difficulties that America faces today can be directly traced to the reflection in your mirror. I , and I suspect most Americans, have lost the appetite for hearing that America’s problems are a direct result of others misteps. WE ELECTED YOU! IT’S YOUR JOB TO FIX IT AND MAKE IT WORK. Quite frankly, I’m sick to death of hearing that the source of America’s problems are House Republicans. When you were elected, you had super majorities in both Houses, yet you’ve accomplished NOTHING during you tenure. Your signature legislation is an albatross that can NEVER be successfully implemented. Additionally, one year and five days after you left our Diplomatic staff unprotected in Bengazhi, we still have NO answers. There have been no arrests. AMERICA DOESN’T LEAVE MARINES BEHIND. WE BRING THEM HOME. You have expended your political capital. PERHAPS you “legacy” should be to return America to the shape it was in when you arrived. Like · · Share
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 02:39:20 +0000

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