Joek said You present Icelands recovery as some sort of - TopicsExpress


Joek said You present Icelands recovery as some sort of justification for wee wreck praising them before they crashed -For starters Iceland is nothing like Scotland - It only has a population of 370,000 . ************************* Yes indeed Dummy as always you miss the point in your blind hatred of Salmond . And the point is Dummy that despite its 2008 downturn Iceland put the burden on the industry’s creditors rather than taxpayers and citizens. In the following years, the Icelandic government made drastic cuts that reduced the fiscal deficit from 14 percent of GDP to just two percent...remind us how Gideon is progressing ? At the same time, unemployment in Iceland has shrunk to less than five percent, while analysts predict their to grow some 3.1 percent by the end of 2013...again compare to UK . Their rebound continues to wow officials, including International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, who recently referred to the Icelandic recovery as “impressive”. And experts continue to reiterate that European officials should look to Iceland for lessons regarding austerity measures and similar issues. The Financial Times outlined a number of important points for countries in the eurozone to consider . These include Iceland’s tactic of pursing “politics of social and economic inclusion”. This includes heavier taxes on the higher brackets while cutting welfare schemes less than other areas of the budget to retain the purchasing power of lower income groups. Now Dummy remind us all how yir lumpen Tory run UK has dealt with ecomonic recession and banjoed the poor and needy whilst protecting the highest earners ? ..Ill give you two to be gettging on with banks and bedroom tax . Take yir time noo !
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:37:04 +0000

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