Joel 3:12...........Let the nations be awakened! Isa - TopicsExpress


Joel 3:12...........Let the nations be awakened! Isa 1:2..............Let the earth hear the voice of the Lord! Ps 9:20............Judge the nations in Your sight, Father, and put them to fear, Ps 9:20.............that they might know themselves to be but men. Rom 8:22..........Father, the whole creation groans and labors Rom be delivered from the bondage of corruption, Rom 8:21..........into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Jn 15:26...........Send forth Your Spirit of Truth to bear witness of You, Jn 16:8.............and to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Eze 14:6..........Cause them to repent and to turn from their idols. Hag 2:7............Shake the nations, so they will come to the Desire of All Nations(Jesus). Num 23:24........Father, cause Your people to rise up. Joel 3:11..........Gather Your mighty ones to prepare for war. Joel 3:14..........Bring the multitudes into the valley of decision. Jer 49:14..........Send Your ambassadors into all the nations. Col. 4:3............Open to them a door for the Word, to speak the mystery of Christ, Mt 24:14...........that the gospel of the kingdom may be preached in all the world. Ps 111:6..........You have declared to Your people the power of Your works, Ps giving them the heritage of the nations. Phil 2:10...........Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! Isa 61:11...........Cause righteousness and praise to spring forth. Hab 2:14...........Let the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory Hab 2:14...........of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Isa 43:9.............Father, gather the nations together, Ps 22:27............that they may worship Thee, Ps 46:10............and exult Thee in all the earth. Gal 3:8...............Let all the nations be blessed through Your people, Zech 14:14.........and let the wealth of the heathen be gathered together 2Kin 22:5...........and be delivered into the hands of Your people for the work of the Lord. Isa. 49:6............Send forth Your salvation to the ends of the earth, Mk 12:36...........and make Your enemies to be Your footstool.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 18:16:23 +0000

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