Joel Chapter 2:1-11 Joel blows the trumpet of alarm to warn the - TopicsExpress


Joel Chapter 2:1-11 Joel blows the trumpet of alarm to warn the people that the destroying army of locusts is coming. Locusts do resemble tiny horsemen, and their ability to eat everything in their path has often been proved. Verse 10 suggests such great swarms that they will blot out the sun and moon. We are not talking about 500 or a 1000, but enough that will blot out the sun and the moon! That, my brothers and sisters is some SERIOUS swarms of locusts! Once they swarm through the land, there will be nothing left! Nothing! Chapter 2:12–17 Joel blows the trumpet the second time, this time to call an assembly to fast and pray and confess sin. This is not to be the mere outward tearing of clothes, but rather the breaking of the heart. Face down in the dirt, praying; Tears’ flowing like small rivers down anguished faces, praying; Wailing and crying out to God for His forgiveness and His mercy and His grace, praying! In 1:13, Joel called only for the priests to pray; In 2:16, he summons everybody to participate in the fast. No doubt he reminded them of the promise of 2 Chron. 7:14. If enough of us get together and pray like this take 2 Chron. 7:14 to heart…will it He still honor it? Will He still hear our voices crying out in repentance? Or is our country too far gone and is the one who sits so arrogantly in the Oval Office part of our nation’s judgment, much of it yet to come? Chapter 2:18–27 We have had the alarm and the assembly; now we have the answer from the Lord. What faith Joel had—“The Lord will answer.” God promises to drive away the army of locusts and restore the pastures again. In fact, He will give them such “bumper crops” that they will more than make up for the years wasted by the locusts (2:25). He will do this, not because they deserve it, but that they and the heathen nations might know that He is the Lord (v. 27). Why oh why is our nation as a whole, missing this? I don’t see our country repenting as a whole...not like this…or like the city of Nineveh did when Jonah walked from one end of it to the other and preached YHWH’s warning. I do see eyes being opened and ears being un-stopped on an individual basis and that is why it is imperative that we do not give up on our prayers for our unsaved loved ones… Don’t give up on speaking to and praying for those who have turned from “the Faith” and have gone back into “the World” and the lusts, thereof, strengthen those brothers and sisters who are weak… We must not stop being Watchmen on the Wall (Ezekiel 33:6, 7) and crying out the warnings of impending judgment…crying out for all to repent, however YAWH moves you to do so! It is said that our generation is the “last generation” before the coming of the Lord and biblically, this generation ends in 2025…12 short years from now. The truth of the matter is that Y’shua will come for his bride before that time. Just when...NO ONE but the Father, knows! Once that happens, there will be no more warnings…only the Wrath to come! (Malachi 3:2; Rev. 6:17) We must see that others are prepared! (Mark 16:15)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 21:44:38 +0000

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