Joel Mbilitu Kadyata writes Dear Editor, I would like to express - TopicsExpress


Joel Mbilitu Kadyata writes Dear Editor, I would like to express my opinion on TB Joshua,his teachings and miracles. Jesus when about to go told his disciples to go and teach what he has commanded them(Mathew 28:19-20),which are his teachings in the the four Gospels. Not forgeting what Apostle Paul warned us to reprove what we have heard or seen(2Timothy 3:16),& the most powerful one(2Timothy 4:1-3). He went on in (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22) telling us to test every prophecy. To prove this emphasis,Saint John taught us to test every spirity in(1John 4:1) if its from God. Now lets test TB Joshua deeds!! Joshua when giving he display helpless beggers in front of cameras for the all world to see,is this biblical? No the bible say in (Mathew 6:1-6)give in secret that God who sees in secret will reward you. 70% On emmanuel Tv shows miracles,is this Biblical?Can a miracle save Jesus was against this,he told people not to tell when he performs a miracles(Luka 8:53-56) why? WHAT SHALL WE SAY NOW.SALVATION WE NEED NOT MONEY OR MIRACLES JOE KADATA
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:39:47 +0000

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