Joe’s Sunday Sermon (11/24/2013) Good Sunday Morning heathens - TopicsExpress


Joe’s Sunday Sermon (11/24/2013) Good Sunday Morning heathens and fairy tale followers alike! Yes, it is time for another dose of reason, another shot of sanity, another reality fix, in other words, my Sunday Sermon. This week I would like to address the two key excuses the religious give for justifying the existence of their particular celestial dictator when they are asked to justify its existence given lack of evidence and all world pain and suffering. Here we go… 1. Free will. This is cited as an excuse for virtually everything that goes wrong and anyone dares to blame god or question his existence based upon worldly events. What a pathetic excuse! Really? So, the all powerful big bully in the sky blames his own weak creations for their short comings, lack of omniscience or abilities by simply allowing them to have free will? So the being with all the power blames those with comparatively miniscule power. What a joke! That’s the best they can come up with as an excuse? You would think an all powerful “god” could inspire some more brilliant thoughts about how he actually exists given the state of the world and his promises of love. Well, there is one more pathetic excuse, I will address that next. You cannot cite free will as something that causes problems and is all mans fault. Well, unless you admit that god is not omniscient and had no idea what he was doing. God allegedly knows everything and knew everything that would happen. Therefore, free will is all predetermined, because god knew exactly what man would do. Every action, every word, every thought. Therefore, if man did what god knew he would do, then it was god’s plan all along. Therefore god is responsible OR he simply does not exist. If you still assert that he does exist, then you must admit that he is pure evil, a punk, a bully, a genocidal maniac. 2. God’s plan/God is mysterious. Oh, this one is so much better – NOT! So, in order to justify the shortcomings or to address skeptics the faithful then suddenly claim ignorance or predetermination. So we go from being certain of virtually everything despite compelling evidence from science that demonstrates otherwise (as with evolution), we are now in doubt because god has a plan and is mysterious. Sounds like something you would say if the whole thing was just a scam. That’s because it is a scam. It is a scam to steal your money and control your mind. So, god is either a complete bully holding complete power, but blaming lesser creatures for his mistakes OR god is without any foundation whatsoever, for if you claim mystery, you admit of ignorance. If god is perfect then anything he creates is perfect and we are all doing exactly as he planned and knew we would do. If this is so, then he is sending people to hell because he determined long ago that he would send people to hell for being as he created. There is NO logical argument to defeat my assertions here today. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot argue an all knowing; all powerful being created man and then say he has no responsibility for man’s perceived short comings. With absolute power comes absolute responsibility. To attempt to place that responsibility upon much lesser creatures and then sentence them to eternal torture when they fall short is simply ignorant and evil.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:05:54 +0000

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