John 1:5 says And the Light shines in the darkness, and the - TopicsExpress


John 1:5 says And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. Our victory in anything is the truth that has already been established in Christ Jesus and this is one of the scriptures that also emphasise that. The word comprehend can also means to understand but in this scripture it is implying and giving us a different impression. When comprehension or understanding is achieved in any conversation either between two or among many people,it means success has been achieved so that if a conversation or any other process does not come to a point of comprehension or understanding,then the parties involved have not achieved success or better still have not been able to win over the act or the process of conversation. Achieving or reaching a point of comprehension or understanding between or among parties in any form of conversation or communication can be seen as having attained victory. We should know that communication takes different forms such as attitudes,gestures,etc so this scripture is therefore making us know that there is always a kind of communication that goes on between light and darkness and this I state because of the word comprehension found in the sentence. We are informed by this scripture that there is a constant communication that goes on between light and darkness but darkness is never able to comprehend or understand word the light puts across. Darkness is therefore never able to win or become victorious over what the light communicates. The scripture says that the light shines and truly the prime purpose or act is to shine and in this regard it is the word,statement or communication light put across to darkness. This means the shine of light is its expression to its environment and in this case darkness. Light has a way it communicates and it is a form of communication that enlightens,edifies,promotes,builds,creates,uplifts and so on and forth and we see that the communication of light is that of positivity,has and brings life. John 8:12 coats Jesus as saying that I am the light of the world and that makes you and I who have believed on therefore have become one with Him are also light as Matthew 5:14 coates Jesus as saying You are the light of the world. Due to this as believers and as light,we shine and our shine is the expression and communication we give to the world. As Christian,being light and therefore as Christ,we are of the Spirit and the world being darkness and therefore as the devil,it (they) are of the flesh. What happens therefore is that as light of this world of darkness our expression and appearance which is our shine makes a statement or communicates to the darkness of this world. Since lights which refers to us as believers, way of communication is that which uplifts and is that of positivity we always make positive and life filled statements such am blessed, glorious, prosperous,fruitful,etc. Darkness communication however,is that of negetivity, that which pulls down and that which kills and so darkness communicates sickness,unfruitfulness,failure,hate,etc to its environment. So since our shine which is our way of communication and statements are of positivity as light of this world and that of darkness which is the world is of negetivity,darkness is not able to comprehend our expression and statement as light (believers) which we put across or communicates to darkness and since we have established earlier that comprehension is also a form of win or victory,it means light wins over darkness or light becomes victorious over darkness. Love,hope,fruitfulness,abundance which we communicate, state or speak (shine) as light of this world to the world of darkness which communicates,states or speaks hate,despair, unfruitfulness,lack,etc, darkness is not able to defeat, win or become victorious over them. It has also not been recorded that darkness ever defeated or won over light and that means we as light,darkness would never be able to win or become victorious over us. You and I as light of this world,we must let our light go forth to every dark area of the world to defeat darkness and send forth light to victory. We are the light of the world therefore,you and I must let darkness loose or flee with our language, attitude, businesses,marriages and every other thing in and around us so that at the end glory would be given to God our heavenly Father when the world sees us shine and give light and life to them. Stay blessed but much more a blessing.:-D@-}--:-D
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:27:44 +0000

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