John 11:47-48 The Perilous Pitfall of Prosperity The - TopicsExpress


John 11:47-48 The Perilous Pitfall of Prosperity The scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and other religious leaders of Jesus day had it made, physically speaking. They lived comfortable lives, and the common people revered and respected them. And, because the Roman government allowed the Jews to worship as they pleased and to maintain their Jewish rites and rituals, these religious leaders held positions of power over the Israelites (Matt.23:1-13). Clearly these men were living the good life from a material and social standpoint. This prosperity, however, caused them to become proud and conceited. They worried that if one such as Jesus gained the support of the common people and acquired a place of authority, then the Roman government would crush their autonomy. They feared the Romans would take the temple from them, causing their influence and prosperity to disappear (v.48). To be prosperous is certainly not a sin, but clearly the affluence of these leaders got to their heads. They rejected the God who had placed them in rulership over His people, and they were fearful of losing their prestigious position. Even today, we as believers must beware of the peril of prosperity, that is, the danger of ruining our relationship with the Lord due to our dependence upon our own possessions, whether material or immaterial. Paul specifically warned us about this perilous pitfall (1 Tim.6:6-11, 17-19). The peril of prosperity is not only obvious historically in that it led to the death of Jesus, but it is also evident today in the lives of many, even Christians, to whom God has given much but who have no fellowship with Him. Do not allow worldly possessions to come between you and your Savior. MDC
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:40:54 +0000

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