John 11:48-50 The Perilous Pitfall of Pragmatism Pragmatism - TopicsExpress


John 11:48-50 The Perilous Pitfall of Pragmatism Pragmatism can be defined as choosing a course of action based solely upon what appears to work or gain desired results. The religious leaders not only sought to kill Christ because they feared losing their prosperous state in life, but they also conspired to kill Him simply because doing so would solve their problem-it would work! Todays text clearly expresses both their problem and solution. The problem: If we let (Jesus) thus alone, all men will believe on Him (v.48). The solution: It is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not (v.50). It seems unfathomable that the depth of human sinfulness is so great that the high priest Caiaphas would consider murdering the One who is holiness, righteousness, and truth simply in an effort to retain his own position in the world. Yet, he suggests that Jesus be killed simply for the sake of expediency. Pragmatism must never be our guide for Christian living, for the peril of pragmatism is twofold: First, if we allow pragmatism to dictate our lives and ministries, we will face the disapproval of our Savior for not living according to the dictates of His Word; second, if we succumb to pragmatic ministry, we will harm our relationship with our Savior because the moment we refrain from accomplishing Gods work Gods way, we fail to abide in Him. It is easy to see that pragmatism abounds today in many Christian ministries. However, we must always do Gods work Gods way even though it will not be popular with men. Never allow the fear of men or the philosophies of the world to steer you away from obedience to Gods will as revealed in His Word. MDC
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:45:59 +0000

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