John 13:34-35(NIV)34 “A new command I give you: Love one - TopicsExpress


John 13:34-35(NIV)34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” I BELIEVE THAT BULLIES CORE PROBLEM IS THE FEELING OF LACK OF LOVE AS THEY GROW UP!! BY THE TIME THEY ARE OF SCHOOL AGES THIS BECOMES A PROBLEM AS THEY REALISE THAT *THEY ARE DIFFERENT* THEY BULLY OTHERS TO MOVE THE ATTENTION OFF THEM AND ONTO SOMEONE ELSE. ..OR SO THEY THINK. MOST bullies fit this profile the other smaller percent would be spoilt brats. Both are DYSFUNCTIONAL with that *No one loves Me syndrome!! The spoilt brat is usually from a family of high achievers that think money buys everything so they spoil the child with worldly goods to compensate the missing ingredient: LOVE!! ........this is from the Internet: The issue of bullying is multifaceted and more nuanced than it is often portrayed in the media. The classic bully is often depicted as someone who is a loner, gruff, low achieving, has poor social skills, and comes from a highly dysfunctional family. Similarly, bullying behavior is often characterized as violent, physically assaultive, and overtly intimidating. While this may be true of many bullies, it is certainly not true of all bullies. However, I suspect that much of the attention that goes into identifying a bully is based on a profile similar to what I just described. Now, I dont want to discount the fact that bullies who do fit this characterization are indeed dangerous, can do serious physical and mental harm and need to be identified. What I want to emphasize is how we can easily overlook the countless bullies who do not fit this profile by limiting our idea of a bully to the more classic portrayal. THE BIBLE REAL COVERS ALL CHALLENGES. PRAY FOR BULLIES TO FIND LOVE IN THE FATHER. THAT JESUS CAN ENTER THEIR HEARTS AND FILL THAT HOLLOW FEELING WITH LOVE!! IN JESUS NAME.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 08:43:14 +0000

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