John 14:19-24 The Holy Spirit Assures Future Resurrection - TopicsExpress


John 14:19-24 The Holy Spirit Assures Future Resurrection Jesus continued to comfort His disciples by telling them that although the world would no longer see Him after His ascension to heaven, the disciples would still be able to see Him. Judas, perplexed by Jesus statement, asked how this was possible (v.22). Jesus explained in verse twenty-three: We will come unto him, and make our abode with him. The seeing does not refer to physical sight; rather, it refers to the indwelling presence of God in the life of the believer. The word see in our text means to look with interest and for a purpose. The world would not only physically fail to see Jesus following His departure, but it would also possess no interest in Him or desire for Him. Conversely, those who believe in Jesus Christ and possess the indwelling Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, would have a contact and connection with God, for they would be in Christ. Not only would they have an interest in the Savior, but they would also continue to desire His fellowship. The author of Hebrews writes, But we see Jesus (Heb.2:9). The only way in which we can see Christ right now is by being in Him through the indwelling Holy Spirit. In verse nineteen, Jesus said, Because I live, ye shall live also. Jesus needed to rise from the grave in order to ascend to heaven and send the Holy Spirit. As a living Savior, He seals all believers with the Spirit who, in turn, guarantees the resurrection and eternal life of all who possess a relationship with God the Father through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph.4:30). Because the Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again and sent the Holy Spirit to seal us, we are assured of future resurrection and eternal life. MDC
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 02:11:55 +0000

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