John 20:27,28—Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; - TopicsExpress


John 20:27,28—Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Read todays devotion, Reassured By The Risen Savior, from Beside Quiet Waters, a devotion book that reminds today’s Christians that when life’s storms threaten to overcome us, the Lord promises to lead us to find peace. It’s not wrong to ask questions. Of course, sometimes they can be superfluous. Like when I’ve already put out the garbage, but my wife still has to ask if I did. How about matters like death, cemeteries, heaven? Do you think questions are in place here and even more so their answers? Thomas did. His problem was that he asked for the wrong reason. When Thomas said that he wouldn’t be satisfied till he examined the risen Savior’s wounds, he was not just making a statement. He was questioning in doubt, “You don’t expect me to believe Jesus is alive, do you?” A week later Thomas got the reassurance he was demanding. Almost before the gentle voice had stopped, the doubter was on his knees at the nail-pierced feet of his risen Savior. “My Lord and my God!” was all he could say, but it was enough. He had seen and now believed. Two ten-year-old cousins were at their first funeral. Riding home, one asked the other, “Is that what happens when you die? They put you in a hole in the ground?” “Yeah,” replied the other, “but don’t worry. Jesus is strong enough to get you out of that hole.” Do I have questions about death, cemeteries, and heaven? Jesus wants me to know where to go with my questions and whom to ask. The risen Savior invites me to listen, and not to doubt, as he speaks to me through his Word. Prayer: Risen Savior, reassure me through your Word that eternal life is mine. Amen. From Beside Quiet Waters: Daily Devotions for a Year, by Richard E. Lauersdorf © 2005 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 00:30:00 +0000

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