John 8:32 is well known in Christendom. It says, “And ye shall - TopicsExpress


John 8:32 is well known in Christendom. It says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Among other things, one of the primary realities that John 8:32 makes plain is that there is an inexorable link between an intimate knowledge of the truth and freedom. In other words, truth makes freedom possible. With this understanding we can see what is currently happening to America as a nation, and to us as individual citizens. It is unarguable, and evidence abounds, especially in recent months that our government leaders – up to and including the president of the United States – use the power of falsehood, deception, manipulation – lying as an invaluable and necessary powerful tool in establishing and promoting their agendas. As we learn of the extent to which our government employees the power of untruth to advance its agendas, we have seen a clear and I argue – inevitable diminishing of our freedoms. We can find this principle in the exchange between Jesus and the Jews (John 8:32-36). Jesus told the Jews that the truth would set them free. They answered that they had never been in bondage to anyone. In turn Jesus told them they were servants of sin. They were captives, hostages to sin and therefore were not free, they were enslaved to Satan. Jesus went on to explain that only He, the Truth, could set them free. Even throughout the Old Testament we see that when Kings and Priests and Prophets engaged in falsehood it brought the people into bondage. To sum up these observations, the point is that the extent to which our government leaders, particularly the President lie to us there will be a diminishing of our freedom. We see this before our very eyes in communist nations, third world nations, tyrannical governments where lying is absolutely essential to the continuance, the survivability of such corrupt states. If the governments of Russia, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and a list that could easily be added to, suddenly embraced and decided to tell and operate in truth those states would be overthrown and collapse because of what the truth would reveal. Such government can and do only endure because they use the power of falsehood as an instrument against their citizens. As a result, the citizens of such countries live in bondage, captivity. The citizens of those countries have lost their freedom! My friends, we are on that road. Come to and accept Christ Jesus as your Savior, the embodiment and essence of truth, and then and only then can you be free in the natural and spiritual realms, regardless of what extent the government lies and deceives.!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:37:14 +0000

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