John Baird compares Russias actions in Ukraine to Nazi invasion of - TopicsExpress


John Baird compares Russias actions in Ukraine to Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia On the weekend of February 21-23rd Canadians were watching the Olympics. Not covered in our media were the events that took place in Kiev. It is most interesting that John Baird uses in an interview the same historical allusion as the President of Ukraine, action by Nazis. Interestingly the European Ministers that brokered an agreement of Friday 21st have not been heard stating that it had been made - and broken. You judge. Who was acting most wrongly, those rejecting the brokered agreement, forcing the President to flee and the Parliament to impeach him - or the Russians acting to protect the Crimean Peninsula which had been theirs for 300 years and the navel base established there? My basic question, I guess, were you aware or unaware of what follows? Have you heard or seen it mentioned by any who are damning the Russians and lauding the current rulers of Ukraine? Joe Hueglin B.A. History Protesters in the Ukrainian capital claimed full control of the city Saturday following the signing of a Western-brokered peace deal Ukrainian protesters said they had taken control of the presidential administration building in central Kiev Ukraines former PM rallies protesters after Yanukovych flees Kiev theguardian/world/2014/feb/22/ukraine-president-yanukovych-flees-kiev On Friday, three EU foreign ministers met Yanukovych and opposition leaders, and agreed to presidential elections by the end of 2014. Within hours parliament began passing a series of resolutions, stripping Yanukovych of his powers, initiating impeachment proceedings and setting elections for 25 May. In Kiev, the lines of riot police that have stood at key points across the capital disappeared on Saturday morning, leaving the city in the hands of the protesters. Yanukovych described the events as a repeat of the 1930s when Nazis came to power in Germany and Austria. He said the parliamentary session was illegal, and in Moscow, Lavrov called his counterparts in Berlin, Warsaw and Paris to ask them to rein in the opposition. He claimed that the protests, centred on Independence Square, known as the Maidan, were led by fringe extremists, and called on European nations to force the opposition to stick to the deal signed in Kiev on Friday. The opposition has not only failed to fulfil any of its obligations, but is presenting new demands all the time, following the lead of armed extremists and pogromists who pose a direct threat to Ukraines sovereignty and constitutional order, he said. Its time to stop misleading international public opinion, and pretending the Maidan represents the interests of the Ukrainian nation.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:45:39 +0000

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