John Boehner is of course promoting Labor Day.. EACH OF YOU - TopicsExpress


John Boehner is of course promoting Labor Day.. EACH OF YOU SHOULD GO TO HIS PAGE AND MAKE A COMMENT SO THOSE WHO SUPPORT HIM UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH.. I wrote this: Americans are so tired of the Republican lies and deceptions.. if more people stopped watching your propaganda channel of lies they would notice you have not been working for them. Funny how most people think fox is a new channel.. When was the last time any of those people were at a storm or maybe an accident. When was the last time you saw any of them covering a political rally or shooting ? Those people sit behind that same desk every day and promote lies and deceptions.. REPUBLICANS HAVE NOT WORKED ON ANY BILLS EVER SINCE THIS PRESIDENT ENTERED OFFICE.. Maybe you dont remember how Mitch and the rest of them agreed to make this President a one term President...oh and remember Republicans took control of the house four months after this President took office.. the first term.. They proved their point and did not work at all during the first term of his office.. and then when he won again they said...WE WILL NOT WORK WITH THIS MAN.. This man is our President of these United States and they were voted into office to work for the people of the United States... For over six years they have failed to vote on over 500 Bills.. they REFUSED TO VOTE ON THEM. Oh I know I have heard the lies about how they sent bills to the senate and Reid would not work on them.. So lets see Republicans sent about 150 Bills to the Senate.. Most of them were to destroy something good for all Americans who needed health care.. Over half of those bills said ... REPEAL, REPEAL, REPEAL, REPEAL.. and something you may not know is, as they were doing all they could to destroy that law, it is a law to help all working families that never before could afford health care.. Tax Payers were having to pay over $55,000.00 for every day they created those bills.. That took about two days each time at the very least, So that comes to around $6,380,000.00. Tax Payers should have seen that money used for something funding for education they would not approve of. That took care of over half of the bills they sent to the Senate.. then there were bills to give the rich more tax breaks, but they said nothing about the working class.. and then there were more loop holes for the corporations.. One was to rename hanger number 7 to the name of Neil Armstrong at NASA. Then the really nice bill was to shut down the Government and by the way as a Tax Payer you, your children and grand children will all get to enjoy paying off the over 23 BILLION DOLLARS IT COST WHEN REPUBLICANS SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT TO STOP SOMETHING THAT TODAY IS HELPING OVER 14 MILLION AMERICANS. I SEE NOW SOME OF THE RED STATES ARE EVEN GOING TO ALLOW IT TO HELP MORE AMERICANS.. WHICH MEANS REPUBLICANS USED YOUR TAX DOLLARS TO TRY TO DESTROY SOMETHING TO HELP ALL OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION.. People are tired of the damn lies.. people are sick and tired of you telling them your working for them. Republicans and Democrats all made a promise to those at home. You said.. I promise to work hard on any issues of bills that can and will help you and your families. Over the past six years you have failed.. At least Democrats have tried and have brought this Nation off of her knees.. she is standing again no thanks to you and the rest of the Republican party.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:02:43 +0000

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