.. John C Stidman the reason they will not give you notice is - TopicsExpress


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John C Stidman the reason they will not give you notice is because they need the injuctions signed by the judge for each and everyone. so thats what they are doing.they dont want you shut down til they shut you down, they want the civil suit and its not restituition. its a civil lawsuit for operating a illegal gambling facility using a slot machine type machine. ones in the city, well they already had the injuntions wrote and ready to sign and serve. its a warning. the order when we was shut down was a city order and city civil suit. they wanted $1500 per penny taken in. they couldnt prove how much was taken in so he is going on $1500 per machine per day of operation. heres the deal. its an easy fix, it sucks but you go to court and when you loose the suit you file bankruptcy and dept paid. the world we live in and the economy, heck. people are doing it anyways and its not really hurting your credit, its a second chance u just have to wait a bit to build it back up. the DA greg pulskamp is a new DA and prick trying to make a name for himself, he wants to be the guy who took down al capone in other words.so heres whats gonna happen, he had injuntions ready waiting on the decision, it takes up to 90 days and a judgement has to be made in the appeals.our appeals case was on the 13 last month in fresno ca. the decision was made Friday evening but to late to post. I received emails before any news or anyone else besides my lawyers and the DA. when he won, he had many injuntions written up for awhile just in case. to be an ass and because he has warned everyone that after we were shut down they will be targeted if they open. he was scard he might loose his appeal.so he waited, because if we would have won, we would not only drop the civil suit but could file our own and nail them for a lot morte for lost of business and damage and so forth. we had and still do have legitimate argue, like I said different judges different areas rule differently.so with that being said he couldnt get injuntions to keep shutting them down because our cases were excepted and not denied by the state of appeals. that means the state of appeals read both arguments and agreed that both side have a legitimate fight. may be legal or may not. if it was a no brainer they wouldnt accept our appeal. the appeal wasnt to stay open or open back up, we decided that in court 1 1/2 yrs ago. our appeals were for the civil suits so we dont have to pay thousands of dollars in fines. that was what the appeals was about. but now that he won both cases, local and state appeals, its basically a positive win for him on every case he brings in. so he will start with a team and nail all in the city first.county is different, thats decision that the sheriff has to bring forth to him. if its a county location then the sheriff will bring forth the businesses and then the DA will file for injunctions and then they all have to be signed by a judge before action can take place. so with that being said, the only way they are arresting is just a scare tactic, if you been following all over the US and every state they all been going through this same thing, some win some loose. I know for a fact and seen this in person as I deal with a lot of locations we have open, my software company that is. we have a dozen places in fresno that they have raided, taken equiptment and areested, or may I say detained cause all were relessed at the jail without booking after a scare. equiptment was seized but yet returned. we have just opened them back up and months go by and all over again. they are not illegal slotmachines, so therefore they cant keep them. they are computers with a software loaded. now dont get me wrong, you can get arrested for a DUI everytime you leave your house, but that dpoesnt mean a convitction. my advice is to just shut down. see what happens and hope they dont have your number already, the DA has already warned everyone, so what they did was note every place city and county clear to ridgecrest and everywhere else that opened regardless of the type of license you opened under, believe me they know every place that ran one computer with sweepstakes to as many as a place ran. so basicaslly if he does what he promised to all the people who ignored him when he said he will come after them then its too late, any and all with any type of license in their name that had at least one comp that had at least one sweepstake game that played one time that took in one penny can in my opinion if he falls through will be in court in a matter of time. he has so many to go after and get. thats why the sheriff and BPD or anyone wont say anything. they wanna come in while your operating so they have a stronger case. heres the gd news, and ill just say this. we have a solution that no one else has or will have when we do it. we have been testing it in places that have closed them and banned them with no issues and no loss of business. I know everyone thinks they know what it is and some companies are doing it already, trust me they are not doing what we have planned. my company has been the originals who do all the bingo halls, they put the machines in all the indian casinos for many years. their grandfather was the ones putting them in vegas long ago. now that vegas has become boss ran and they were pushed out and vegas took over the indian casinos, believe me, our genious company has been providing gamimng with success for many yrs and mony more to come. until we release this wide open. im gonna open in every state that doesnt have them and every state that hasnt had issues yet. now ill give you a hint if you wanna move away like I did and still make ur fortune, lesson I learned the hard way but definitely protected now. listen good. open with a corp license, then you can open all you want under the same corp. what that does is allows you to be the general CEO. so therefore you run it, you own it but when they do do what they do here, they go after the corp. a corp is not individuaslly owned, so there for you file bankruptcy on the corp and start a new one, they cant touch any employees or CEOs. get what im telling ya. they dont want ya to know, but I have good advice now that I work for a major software company. with all that said and sorry so long, I love to help with what I know as im one of them whos been in this battle for along time. if you cant fish in this spot, move to a spot you can fish in.my motto is that it dont end here, it starts somewhere else. hint hint! best of luck, im giving you info first hand from my lawyers and company as we still have locations in bako and all over kern county. so with that being said, it will take some time to get everyone, so are you next in line or last. thats my point. really doesnt matter, according to him and wanting to be the new star.. everyone is already targeted and gonna have their day in court. we shall see if hes a man of his word or really for the people. cause the best thing he could do since it wasnt decided is give a deadline to close and then procede for anyone open after that, that would be fair enough and save the city and county so much money filing cases and wasting our officers time when there are a lot worst out there to deal with. but truth is , it wont cost the city, they will win every suit they take, thats what this victory for them was about a civil suit, not to close any down, but to sue the 11 that was closed, 9 of us started the appeals. 3 of us kept fighting and all our cases was combined, which wasnt really good, because they used one case to rule on all. not all software is the same and not all cafes operated the same...good luck and dont be afraid to ask any questions, im being updated throughout the day from the bigger guys who know a lot more than me.but were not done fighting. soo the people will have a chance to vote on it just like medical marijuana and when people realize they still have a right only if they stand and fight, then we can win.our world is so lost. I believe in GOD and the bible. I believe in the 10 comandments and I belevie in our amendments. right now we dont have any. gays can legally marry, which is sacred to man and woman in the bible,we are loosing gun rights, were loosing what our forefathers and great veterans which we are so thankful for died for. im no politition, im old fashioned and I hate that this world is okay with whats going on. and everything is against GODs will. good luck to you, this is just another power play to prove we have no rights
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:40:54 +0000

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