John Cena and Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns and Jeff - TopicsExpress


John Cena and Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns and Jeff Hardy. Ending: Cena runs the ropes with the shoulder tackle then he runs again and Reigns with the superman punch! Cena rolls outside and Ambrose leaps on Reigns from behind but he shrugs him off then he nails him with the superman punch! Ambrose crawls to his corner then Cena from behind with a running bulldog to Reigns! Cena looks for it and he lifts up Reigns but Hardy kicks him in the gut but Ambrose throws Hardy out of the ring taking himself with him then Reigns escapes the AA and smashes Cena in the jaw with a left hand. Reigns runs the ropes but Cena with a explosive clothesline! Cena gets up Reigns on his shoulders and he nails the Attitude Adjustment! Cena with the cover but Hardy breaks it up then he nails the twist of fate and Ambrose charges at Hardy and knocks him down then he turns around to a spear from Reigns! Reigns backs into the corner waiting for Cena to stand up but Ambrose is back in the ring and Reigns goes to spear him but Ambrose jumps over then he nails the dirty deeds! Ambrose with a suicide dive through the ropes to Hardy but he knocks him away and Ambrose his the ground hard Cena with the cover but Jeff Hardy with the swanton bomb to Cena! Reigns with the cover 1,2,3 DING DING DING here are your winners JEFF HARDY and ROMAN REIGNS!!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:00:44 +0000

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