John David Lobedica Moro, is a friend of mine who tagged me to do - TopicsExpress


John David Lobedica Moro, is a friend of mine who tagged me to do this 20 facts about me, so here it goes.. 20 facts about me : 1. My Name is Fhlerri Oriol, UVNS 3D Animation Student. 2. I was born in Ormoc City, grew up about a decade there and spent my pre-teen years in Iceland. 3.I love Taekwondo, Singing, Piano, Guitars, Violin, badminton, dancing(but couldnt do it), drawing and watching CGs and hands down, FFXIII Triology and its characters innit. 4. II am really really bad with names due to the Icelandic names and over the years it caused me to develop something that makes me forget about names easily. So to make it easier for me, I came to love giving nicknames to people. 5.. Im an introvert and people mostly perceive me as anti-social. But psshh, when you get to know me, you may get tired of listening to me. LOL 6. I am crazy, boyish and dangerous(so dont mess with me or you may regret it) 7. I dont judge people by their looks or their way of life 8.I love my peeps, and the peeps who has the same interest as me and Pizza Crew! 9. One day, I want to have losta collections of Hunting Knives, Survival Knives and Guns and Swords! So one day, Dangerous Crew can have a battle royale. (Well, use fake ones anyway since we wont want to go to jail.) 10. I plainly love Classic, or any kinds of songs. except Folk and Metal Rocks. 11. I am pretty diverse about my likes for people. You can be anything. But Badass Characters are what interests me the most. 12. I had some crazy shit going on my life prior to this. 13. Once, in accident; I was teaching a friend of mine and we stayed up in the hospital til 3 AM talking about Ghosts and horror stuff. 14. I FFSDFHGHFKL LOVE ANIME and Horror and FINAL FANTASY series especially FFXIII= Claire Lightning Farron, Oerba Yun Fang, Hope Estheim, Oerba Dia Vanille, Serah Farron, Snow Villiers, Chocobo Chick and Sahz Katzroy 15. I have a lot of nicknames Korean Guy calls me Flurry, mentors call me Iceland Girl, friends call me Ice, Ice Queen, Oreo, Ferrari, Yun and Eri. Guys call me Eri in personal!!!! >.< 16. I guess Im a nerd since I love Animations, games and musics a lot. 17. I used to play Piano and sing well, but now Im getting back at it. 18. I like badass girls, Anime or not ( call me weird, i dont mind ) 19.Most of the times, I stay up late until morning cause #AMFolks crazy talks begins at 3AM. A lot of things there. PS. I wont end it in 20 facts. 20.My mom once told me when I asked her why people back away when they irritate me and I look at them silently. She said I have really scary eyes when Im angry. When Im angry, it shows in my eyes not my facial expression. 21. I cant sleep!!!!! I cant think! THE MUSIC IS SO LOUD HERE! DAMN THE DISCO!!!! THE BASS IS GIVING ME A HEADACHE! DX Tagging: Jannen May Princess Cabase, Jessica June Precious Cabase, Sahlee Nahine Gabuya, Reil Revin Oriol, Aindy Tejada, Alexandra Ruiz, Georgia Victoria Jaro, Mar Dave A. Jimenez
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:43:45 +0000

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