John Haller, Esq., is a fellow member of the Bar who is also a - TopicsExpress


John Haller, Esq., is a fellow member of the Bar who is also a Christian pastor who is not afraid to tackle current geo-political issues and events from a Christian worldview. Again, for those who have any interest in Biblical prophecy, I would strongly recommend Attorney Hallers weekly pod-casts. As I watch a division in the Christian Church continue to widen, with those who tend to champion social issues and who deconstruct Jesus and traditional Christianity to render a more seeker friendly religion on the one side and those who choose to dig deeper into Biblical prophecy (with an expectancy) and affirm the inerrancy of Scripture on the other, I am reminded that one of the most popular Christian ministers in our country, postulates that Jesus would, switch the conversation and respond with, the details of my return are none of your business whenever His disciples wanted to discuss Jesus second coming. This particular pastor also postulates that, in essence, anyone who lets himself be distracted (by studying Bible prophecy) from the work I plan for him is not fit for the kingdom of God. (paraphrases mine). Even years after these sentiments appeared in a popular Christian New York Times Best Seller, I must take umbrage with these mis-characterizations of Scripture. Although, I do strongly believe that we are called to effectuate the great commission, assist our brothers and sisters in the faith and to assist the widows and the orphans, I find that Jesus repeatedly told us to be witnesses and watchmen. Peter,John and Paul were certainly concerned with the Second Coming. I remain concerned with any Christian leader or teacher who will not rightly handle Gods word. Respectfully, I know that God uses many different Christian Pastors and many different denominations to save souls and achieve his purpose and as such, I will be the first to admit that we do not have to agree on every point of theology; however, I just want to reiterate that care must be exercised. Departing one degree from the truth can lead to a disasterous result. I will finish my rant by renewing my encouragement for Christians to dive into the Word of God for themselves, mimic the Bereans and do not accept any statement or position (including statements by me or an popular pastor) unless you verify the Word for yourselves.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:00:00 +0000

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