John Lord’s Final Election Diary Update No.13 johnl-11 Tuesday - TopicsExpress


John Lord’s Final Election Diary Update No.13 johnl-11 Tuesday AM August 27 Posted No 12 of my Election Diary. Spent all afternoon preparing the vegetable garden for spring planting. Thoughts of the election never left me. Wednesday August 28 Thinking Thursday August 29 I have decided that tomorrow’s diary will be my last post. I have very much valued the comments of those who have taken the time to read my diary however, it has not had the far-reaching influence I had hoped for. With that in mind I think I will throw caution to the wind and abolish my normal ‘’Facts before feelings’’ policy. Friday August 30 If the polls are correct the LNP will have a comfortable win next Saturday and we will have a new Prime Minister. That being the assumption, I feel free to opine on various matters more vigorously than usual. Or at least in a different manner The Coalition will command a vote of around 53% of the Australian people. Of these a fair proportion will be locked in conservative voters. Some will be last minute deciders or swinging voters. Others will be, what is in it for me voters. A fair proportion will be elderly despite the coalition having never done anything for them. Many will have been victims of Murdoch’s abhorrent version of his future Australia. All of them will have one thing in common. A blindness to the common good, and an ignorance of virtuous policy. I have asked myself a perplexing question. If I were voting for a conservative government, what would I be voting for? This is an impossible task for a dyed in the wool social democrat, so my answers will necessarily be tinged, with ridicule that expresses my compassion for a better society. And of course my age of 74 together with whatever wisdom I have, will also influence my answers. I might also add that my desire for a better Australia stems not from a need of comfortable final years. But rather from a deep concern for my grandchildren and the future they might face. Let me repeat the question and then some random observations. ”If I were voting for a conservative government, what would I be voting for? What are my expectations? ‘’ In case it doesn’t register I’m Just pretending.’’ I know in my heart that my party’s Direct Action Plan is a nonsense but I don’t give a shit because climate change isn’t real. Tony doesn’t believe it and most of the cabinet don’t. Well except for Malcolm of course but he tends to be blinded by science of all things. I know the plan won’t work and after three years we won’t spend any more money on it. If the rest of the world decides to do something later on then we can join them. Yes I know Labor’s plan is working but it costs that much and we could be spending that on things that make the wealthy more so. After all they create the jobs. Tony can even see things that others cannot. Even the invisible. And as far as those poofters go Tony is absolutely right not to give our party a conscience vote on Gay Marriage. After all he’s a Catholic and knows all about these issues of morality. No it doesn’t matter that 70% of people want it. Tony knows what’s right. I trust him. And speaking of equality I know that Tony will do the right thing and make education more equal. He has promised that if I vote for him I will be getting exactly the same Better Schools program. Oh yes, I know he won’t spend the same amount but Tony reckons it will be the same thing, and I can trust him. Character of course is most important and for three years Tony has been exhibiting it. He has actually invented a new concept in opposition strategizing. You just pretend to be a negative personality, create havoc in the parliament, invent crisis, exaggerate everything and call the government the worst ever. That way you create a perception of catastrophe. Takes a lot of character to do that. Of course it helps if your friends with one of the world’s richest media barons. And to top it off you simply transform from negative to positive and present the real you to the electorate at election time. It works a treat. Character, that’s why I’m voting for Tony. I can trust him. I know the Labor Party are claiming the NDIS policy as their own but it’s not true. We have always been part of it. It is a bi partisan policy. Yes I know we were a no show in the house when the legislation passed but we fully support it. And we are the best party to make sure it works. We might have to re hash it but I’m sure we can do it a lot cheaper and more efficiently. I’m sure Tony will re shape it in the Conservative mould. After all we have shown an historical concern for those less well of. Just ask pensioners. Yes Tony will fix it. Speaking of concern for others I agree with Tony that if we lower the Tax Free Threshold to $6000 we can pick up a lot in tax from about 6 million workers on $80,000 or less. And if we abolish the low-income superannuation contribution. This will reimpose a 15 per cent tax on superannuation contributions for people earning less than $37,000. You have to give it to Tony, he thinks things through. This will mean we can have a decent Paid Parental Leave Scheme. I know that there are those in our party who think it’s unaffordable at $5 billion a year but its Tony’s idea and I know I can trust him. There are other ways to help pay for it. Tony knows this. That’s why he is getting rid of the Schools Bonus. Really who needs it? Not the working class. After all prospective mothers on $150.000 will need our support. Trust Tony, he knows best. And I like his idea to abolish the proposed 15 per cent tax on income from superannuation above $100,000 a year. The combined effect of these two superannuation changes is that 16,000 high-income earners with superannuation savings in excess of $2 million will get a tax cut while 3.6 million workers earning less than $37,000 will pay more than $4 billion extra in tax on their super over the next four years. This is grossly unfair on the wealthy. This way we can redistribute the money to the people who make things happen. It all adds up if you listen to Tony. You can trust him to put the money where it matters most. What about the NBN. Yes I know we had 13 goes to get it right when we were in government but we have it spot on now. It took Tony to get it right. And he had the man who invented the internet to help him. It’s going to cost a lot less and it will work just as well. Ask anyone over 80 and I bet they will agree. When it’s finished they will be able to sell it. Prospective buyers will have to foot the bill for the replacement copper wire and upgrade requirements. That way it avoids the current budget crisis. Shit it’s in a mess. But a formidable mind has Tony. I know I can trust him. Then of course if we vote for Tony we won’t have to worry about all the crass morons wanting us to become a republic. Thank God he will never let it happen. Fancy contemplating our own head of state. Where do people get these foolish ideas from? King Charles will serve us well. Even if a large proportion of the country will have to be reminded of who he is. But Tony will fix it. He has character. I trust him. And Tony is the only one who is capable of stopping the boats. I know this to be true because he has told me so. In fact I cannot remember how many times he has told me over the past three years. When he says he will stop the boats I believe him because I trust him. He is a Christian man with high morals. The same goes for Scott Morrison. I have come to adore that slogan. ‘’Stop the boats’’ I reckon it should be written into the history of Australian political folklore. Now I know Joe did say he wanted to end ‘’the age of entitlement’’ but fair shake of the sauce bottle, Tony’s entitled to reward those who vote for him. That’s why he is taking from the poor to reward the rich. I mean fairs fair. Tony knows about class because he’s a Rhodes Scholar. And how much bloody time to people need to check out the costing’s and savings. Next thing they will expect him to supply everyone with a calculator. Why can’t people just trust him? I do, Tony has impeccable integrity. Ask anyone? I know all these policies, the NBN, Better Schools, Addressing Climate Change and NDIS are major reforms and are Labor initiatives but Tony will make them happen. I know people will say we are being elected to implement Labor policy, but I wouldn’t trust Labor with their own ideas. But I would trust Tony. One last thing, and it’s the main reason Tony will get my vote. He is the only one I trust to do something about these silly freedom of speech laws I mean really. Andrew, Ray Alan, Piers and others need more freedom to express their reasoned commentary. On top of that he needs to do something about all these bloggers (including that bald headed dickhead who writes for the AINM) from infiltrating the internet and imposing their opinions on thinking people. I mean why should all those writers have 100% freedom of expression when Rupert only has 70%? It’s just unfair but Tony will fix it. I can trust him. After all 53% of the people agree with me on all these matters. My final entry Its 10.30 Friday and my well-worn fingers have no desire to go on. Normally I would post next Tuesday however mid-week postings of my diary, for whatever reason don’t get a huge response. There is little more to add other than (and it goes against my nature) to say I sincerely hope I am mistaken. That it might turn out like it did in the states where the polls were wrong and the people decided that science was important and that truth mattered.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 05:36:40 +0000

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